Chapter 17- Amortentia

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Julia woke up with a stomach ache. She had eaten a quarter of the (rather large) cake that she had hand made for Severus' birthday and was deeply regretting it.

"Sev?" she whined to her half-asleep boyfriend.

"What?" he mimicked, albeit sleepily.

"Do you have any potions to cute a stomach ache?"

"Go brew one yourself, I'm busy." He grumbled, attempting to go back to sleep.

"I never learnt how. I was in the hospital wing so I missed the last Potions N.E.W.T. module."

"Fine. Give me a minute." He accidentally rolled out of the bed and hit the floor very hard. Julia stifled her giggles with great difficulty.

"Shut up. It's not funny."

"I said nothing, my darling."


The potion was made within minutes, and Julia drank it like it was water.

Severus took her arm and walked her to the Great Hall. Julia wished from the moment she sat down that she had eaten in her room.

She took her usual place next to Severus, one seat from the end of the High Table. The normally empty seat had been occupied by a blond haired, blue eyed man with a charming smile.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet the kind woman who gave up her living quarters for me. Gilderoy Lockhart. And may I say, you are very beautiful." He said, kissing her hand before flashing a dazzling smile.

"No, you may not say so." Severus growled in irritation.

"I beg your pardon?" Only Severus saw the hidden threat in his words.

"Lockhart? Oh, I remember you. You were the idiot that carved his name into the Quidditch pitch! How many weeks of detention did you get for that?" Julia asked sweetly.

"Eight." He sheepishly mumbled.

"And the idiot that sent himself several hundred Valentines. Who does that?"

Her question remained unanswered as Albus came to stand behind the two teachers, resting a forearm on each of their chairs.
"Severus, Julia. Gilderoy here required the services of our esteemed library to conduct research for his latest book."

Severus scoffed to himself.

"Problem, Severus?" Lockhart said.

"Professor Snape."


"Only people I like can call me Severus. I do not like you, so you call me 'Professor Snape'."

Albus barely stifled a chuckle.

"Now now Severus! I was merely complimenting the beautiful lady who I hope will accept my offer of escorting me to the Three Broomsticks at the weekend for a drink?" Lockhart turned his attention to Julia, cutting Severus out of the conversation completely.

"No." Julia said bluntly before she began talking to Severus.

"I'm sorry? What did you say?" Severus was amused by the man's obvious stupidity.

"I said no." She raised an eyebrow at his confusion.

"But why?"

"Why indeed. Maybe because you are a swine whose head is stuck up his backside. Or maybe it's the fact that I just don't like you. Or maybe it's the fact that I am currently pursuing a relationship with dear old Severus here, and going out with two people simultaneously would be morally wrong." The venom seeped into her tone as she went on, Lockhart getting extremely flustered.

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