Chapter 21- Valentine's Day

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January flew into February, accompanied by a flurry of snow that covered the castle. Valentine's Day had also arrived.

Julia and Severus walked up to the Great Hall, hand in hand, hoping for a nice, quiet breakfast.

Instead, they found Lockhart standing by the large doors, wishing everyone a happy Valentine's Day. You would expect to see his fuchsia robes on a witch, rather than him. Julia completely ignored him as she took her place at the high table. Severus struggled to stifle a laugh as Lockhart followed like a lost puppy, and attempted to make conversation with Julia, who instead turned to talk to Minerva about the upcoming Holyhead Harpies Quidditch match.

"Oh, I was asked by the coach of the Harpies to play for them, but I had to decline, as I was putting the finishing touches on my book. Have you read it, Julia?" Lockhart cut into the conversation.

"No, nor do I intend to. And I also happen to know that the Holyhead Harpies is an all-female Quidditch team." Julia smirked.

Lockhart's face fell. He sullenly returned to greeting the students as they filed in for their breakfast, with definitely less enthusiasm than before.

Albus left his seat to talk to Severus.
"Can I have a word, Severus?"

They took the conversation into the Trophy Room behind the staff table.

"Have you told her yet?" He whispered, glancing over to Julia through the glass, who was laughing with Minerva.

"No, and I don't intend to for a while. I don't want to ruin what we have." Severus hissed back.

"But surely if you tell her, it'll prevent her from potentially leaving." Albus reasoned.

"But she might be scared, and leave without thinking. I want her to be sure she's happy with me before I tell her. I'll tell her at the end of the year, because I think I want to..."

"Want to what, Severus?" Albus pressed.

"I think I want to propose. I've been given this second chance, and I don't want to lose her again. I was so close to losing her before, and I don't think she'd forgive me a second time." Severus said forlornly.

"That is wonderful, my boy!" Albus clapped the young man on the back, grinning from ear to ear. "When do you plan on asking her?"

"I don't know yet, maybe her birthday?"

"It's up to you, Severus."

And Albus left Severus to think. Julia poked her head around the door some time later, when Severus was still pacing.

"Hey, Sev. Is something wrong?"

"No, no. Nothing is wrong. Everything is good, actually." He genuinely smiled.

As it was a Saturday, there were no classes, and all of the students had made arrangements to go down to Hogsmeade to spend the day with their 'beaus'. Julia and Severus, both keen to avoid the busy environment, decided to stay in the castle.

Julia cracked open a bottle of elf-made wine, kindly provided by Hooky the house elf. He was a fond reminder for the pair of the time before they were a couple, when Dumbledore had encouraged them to spend more 'alone time'. Julia charmed her old laptop to work in the grounds, and she showed him how the internet worked.

"So you press the buttons, and words appear? Then the commuter-"

"Computer." Julia corrected, laughing.

"The computer answers my question? How does it know that? Are you sure it's not magic?"

"No Sev, people put the information on the internet so other people can look at it."

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