Chapter 12- A New Arrangement

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The next morning, Julia woke up with Severus' arm wrapped tightly around her waist, his face nuzzled into her neck. She smiled, as she knew that he was not used to physical contact with anyone unless it was to strike him. It made her feel special that he had let her past that cold, stony exterior to the sweet, sensitive man within.

She held onto Severus' arms until his breathing became irregular, telling her that he had woken up. Julia turned her head around to look at him, and he was staring intensely at her. It was only at close proximity did she realise how tired and drawn he looked, dark circles under his eyes and cheekbones more prominent.

"How unobservant am I?!" she thought to herself.

"How are you now, Sev?" She said as she turned to face him. His arms didn't leave her side, and she linked her own around his neck.

"That was the best night's sleep I've ever had." He smiled.

"You still look really tired. When was the last time you slept?"

"Aside from last night, I haven't slept for four days." He said, almost shamefully.

"Oh, Sev, my darling, why didn't you tell me? I could have done something to help! And how on earth did you stay awake for so long?" Julia said exasperatedly.

"I've been running on coffee and potions fumes. I didn't want to bother you..." He trailed off, looking away.

She pulled his chin back around so he was facing her again.

"You are never a bother, nor will you ever be. Just tell me next time, okay?"

"Alright. Will you stay with me tonight? I slept well when I had you here with me."

"Anything for you, Sev." Julia kissed him lightly on the lips. "I think it's time for breakfast, and my stomach agrees with me!"

She hopped out of bed, pulling on her dressing gown over her nightdress and padded down to the kitchen. Lighting the stove, she cooked scrambled eggs and toast, the Muggle way. She didn't even realise Severus was there until he spoke.

"Why do you insist on doing it the Muggle way?" He said, leaning on the worktop.

Julia jumped and turned around. Severus smirked at her, and she glared back.

"It just tastes better, I suppose. Maybe because it's made with love." She joked.

"It certainly does taste better." He said after he had walked over and fished a spoonful out from the pan.

"Hey! Patience is a virtue!" She berated him as she spooned their breakfast onto two plates. "Now sit down so you can eat your eggs."

"Yes, mother." Severus muttered as he sat down heavily. Julia removed her gown before beginning to eat.

They ate breakfast in silence, with only the odd glance at the other when they thought they weren't being watched.

"I'm going to get dressed now, see you in a bit." Julia said, taking the now empty plates over to the sink.

"Okay. I'll do the washing up."

Julia was only half dressed when Severus came into her room to return her dressing gown. She turned around to face him, but not before he saw the scars on her lower back.

"Wh-what are they, Lia?" He stuttered.

Julia angrily pulled her top over her head and sank down onto the bed. She began sobbing, drawing her knees up to shield her face. Severus held her and stroked her hair, muttering soothing words into her ear and she cried for what seemed like hours. He was so confused.

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