Chapter 6- Levicorpus Again?

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The first thing Julia noticed when Severus returned to her rooms was that he was no longer wearing the cloak.

So he does listen, she thought.

"How did you get in here? You don't know the password!"

"I don't know, the door was just there."

"And was it 'just there' the day after I arrived?"

"Yes!" Severus said indignantly.

She nodded, not quite believing him.

"I see you ditched the cloak. And I like the green. Very fetching."

"Of course you would like it, you were the one who suggested this. The things I do for you..." He said under his breath.

"So... Jonah?" She asked timidly.

"No longer a problem. I Obliviated him before he could knock me out."

"What did you say to him to make him so angry?!" Julia exclaimed.

"I said that you took the job to get away from him, and I, um, saidiwasyourboyfriend." He said, beginning to blush furiously.

Julia laughed so hard she fell off the sofa.

"What's so funny?" Severus asked, glaring at her.

"You! You're so adorable when you get embarrassed!" She said before clapping a hand to her mouth.

"Well I'm glad I am so amusing." He sat down next to her on the floor. "You think I'm... adorable?"

"Err, sometimes, yeah." Now it was her turn to blush.

"You're very kind hearted, you know." He said, putting his arm around her shoulder.

"It's been said." She stiffened at his touch, staring at something that wasn't there.

Before he could say anything, Professor Dumbledore strode in, eyes twinkling at the sight of the cold hearted Potions professor with his arm around the warm Muggle Studies professor.

"Students will be arriving shortly, I suggest you head up to the Great Hall to meet them." He said simply, then walked out.

No words were spoken as Severus pulled Julia up from the floor, until they both reached the Great Hall. They sat down next to each other and watched all of the students (bar the first years) file in.

Once they had all taken their seats, Professor McGonagall walked in with the small first years trailing behind her. They looked terrified. Some looked up to the staff table and Julia smiled reassuringly at them.

Slytherin gained some potentially great wizards and witches this year, Julia thought.

After the Sorting, Professor Dumbledore stood up and walked over to the eagle lectern on the platform.

"Good evening, students. A warm welcome to you all, especially the first years. Before you tuck in to your dinners, I would like to announce a new member of staff. Professor Evermore will be joining our ranks this year as the new Muggle Studies teacher. I hope you make her feel at home here. That is all."

He sat down and mountains of food appeared on the tables. Julia ate considerably less than normal at the feast, just pushed the food around her plate. Severus was concerned, but said nothing until afterwards when they went back to his rooms.

"Are you okay, Lia? You ate almost nothing at dinner, which is very unlike you."

"Fine. Do you remember when we were that age, Sev?"

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