Chapter 11- Night-Time Wanderings

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It was Boxing Day evening when Severus invited Julia to stay with him at Spinner's End for the remainder of the holiday. After seeking permission from Albus to leave the castle, she had eagerly accepted. They felt more comfortable with each other now that they had admitted their feelings.

They left that night. Severus led Julia to the gates and outside, on the path to Hogsmeade. He took her arm, and they Apparated. It was dark when they arrived at Severus' house.

"You still live here, Sev?"

"Well, I can't really afford to move, not on my salary." Severus replied as he took down and reset the wards around his house.

The new couple went inside, and Severus showed Julia to her room. It was the room that Severus slept in as a child. Even the bed was the same. They still didn't sleep in the same bed as each other, as they didn't want to ruin the relationship they had both spent so long waiting for. Julia unpacked her clothes and put them in the wardrobe.

"If you need me, I will just be in the bathroom, I need to wash the smell of dunderheads off me." Severus joked.

"Okay, see you in a bit. I'll probably read or something."

Severus walked out of the room, whilst Julia pulled a book out from her handbag.

She was so engrossed in the book, she didn't even notice Severus come back in.

"Are you a Shakespearean then?" He asked, peering at the cover.

"Yes, Macbeth is one of my favourite plays. Do you appreciate the wonder that is Muggle literature?"

"I do indeed."

Julia and Severus spent the rest of the evening talking about Shakespeare and what his greatest play was, until it was gone midnight.

"I had best be off to bed now. You know where I am if you need me." Severus said almost reluctantly.

"Night, Sev."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Severus swelled with happiness. The last time he had heard Julia say those three words exactly, they had been directed at that imbecilic ex-boyfriend of hers. He remembered how jealous he felt, but now she was saying it to him!

Julia quickly changed and settled down to sleep. It wasn't until later on that she heard soft moans coming from Severus' room. He sounded like he was in pain, so she crept out onto the landing and opened Severus' door quietly.

Julia saw Severus tossing and turning under the covers, tears streaming down his face. He then started to talk in his sleep.

"Leave her alone you bully! What did she ever do to you? She's the sweetest girl in the world and all you do is abuse her!" He cried.

She soon realised that he was dreaming about her abuse again. She felt guilty, she hadn't even thought to ask if the nightmares had stopped.

Julia approached the bed, and shook him gently.

"Sev? Sev, darling, wake up. It's just a dream, I'm here and I'm fine." Julia tried to soothe him.

He woke with a start, eyes darting around the room in a panic. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw Julia sitting on the edge of the bed.

"What are you doing in here?"

"You sounded like you were in pain so I came in to see if you were okay."

"Why would you do that?" Severus asked, confused.

"Because I love you, stupid! Do you... do you want me to stay here with you?" Julia asked nervously. It would be the first time they had shared a bed.

"If you're uncomfortable-" He began.

"No, no. If you need me, I'm here. Anytime, you know that. I'm sorry I didn't ask about the nightmares. It wasn't very considerate of me."

"It's fine, really."

"But it's not. I'm not a good girlfriend, I should have been better..." She berated herself.

"Don't blame yourself, I certainly don't. I would have denied it even if you did ask."

Julia was silent, and Severus could tell she was angry with herself.

"One thing that would help me?"

"What is it? Anything you want." She stroked his head comfortingly.

"Just hold me. Please stay." He murmured sleepily.

Julia obliged, slipping under the covers, and wrapping her arms around Severus' thin frame. She continued to stroke his hair as he fell back to sleep again. She kissed him softly on the forehead.

"I don't deserve you, Sev." She mumbled before falling asleep herself.

A/N Hello everyone! Thank you all for reading you wonderful people! I've had amazing support from some of you guys, and all I can say is keep it up, it makes me so happy! Dedicated to merlin_sherlock for their support especially, and when I can access my computer I will sort that out for you. Love you all!


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