Chapter 4- Dancing and Dishes

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They didn't speak again until all of the protective enchantments had been cast, and when they did, it was a feeble, lacklustre attempt to say the least. Julia was still upset about being friend-zoned and Severus had no idea what he had done wrong.

The first proper conversation was the next morning, when they ate breakfast together in Julia's chambers. She had not made the mistake of dancing again, she had embarrassed herself enough.

"So Sev, what are we doing today?" Julia asked as she shovelled her cereal into her mouth.

"Well, as we were the only people to finish the dorms yesterday, we have a clear schedule. You eat like a horse!" He curled his lip in slight disgust.

"I was thinking you could show me around the castle again, it has been a long time since I was last here. I do not!" Julia said indignantly.

"Yes you do. I would be happy to, as the Muggles so appropriately put it, 'give you the tour'."

"Can we go now, Sevvykins?" She fluttered her eyelashes as she leaned on his torso.

"Fine, but please, do not call me Sevvykins, especially in front of the students when they arrive tomorrow."

"Why? Are you the dungeon bat or something?" Julia joked.

"How did you know they call me that?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't. They seriously call you that? I can't imagine why."

"Not to my face, obviously. They are a bunch of dunderheads to think that I am deaf, that I can't hear their pathetic whispers during my class." Severus said monotonously.

"How nice to them are you? Do you treat them the way you treat most of the staff?" Julia asked accusingly.

"They think I am a greasy git, and I do nothing to alter their opinion. Being intimidating makes up for my lesser experience as a teacher. They think because I am younger than the rest of the staff that they can do whatever they want. So no. I am not nice to them."

"It seems I am one of the few people who get to see the best side of you Sev. It's a shame, really."

"And why is that? I actually think you are the only person I can be myself around."

"It's a shame because you are such a great man Severus."

He snorted. "I am anything but great, Lia."

"No, you are a great man who has done some bad things. I mean, look at you now! This is almost like community service, passing on your expertise to the next generation."

"So I'm in prison? In my own head, yes, but at home as well? I think not.

"No, it's only a prison if you make it so. Can we go now, Sev?" She wheedled.

"You sound like a child with your whining, but yes, we shall."

They got up from Julia's breakfast table and, emerged from the dank dungeons into the sunlight outside.

Severus squinted as the light hit his face, but it didn't affect Julia at all.

"Are you sure you're not a vampire, Sev? You spend too much time in the dungeons."

"I spend my time in my lab, I would go upstairs if there was one functioning up there. Besides, my House reside down there, I could hardly leave them."

"I was only joking, I didn't need a full-blown explanation as to why you couldn't. You take things too seriously Sev."

"It has been said..." Severus said, looking slightly miffed.

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