Butterfly (나비)

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♡ this is kind of a single father namjoon au! the rest of the boys aren't in it, but this follows the timeline that namjoon adopted nari when they first met ♡

The little girl rocked back and forth on her heels as she stood in front of the big door. She had waited patiently for the numbers on the clock in her room to say 9 with two zeroes, which was when her boy had promised that he'd come and get her, but even after the numbers turned to 9 with a one and a five, he was still nowhere to be seen. After a lot of thinking, the child finally decided that she would go to him instead. He was the first person she wanted to see every morning, as his face was the last that she saw before falling asleep every night.

Small fingers twisted the doorknob and she entered his bedroom. Just as she suspected, her boy was fast asleep in his own bed. His soft snores made her giggle as she tiptoed closer until their faces were level with eachother.

"Joon," She whispered, "Joon, it's nine-one-five."

The boy didn't stir, so the girl spoke a little louder this time, "Nine-one-five. Joon, time for breakfast."

He still remained motionless, so she decided that she had no choice but to try a different method. The child carefully crawled on to his bed and cuddled into his chest. Maybe this would work.

"Hm? Nari?" The boy sleepily mumbled and hugged her closer, "Is that you?"

"It's nine-one-five."

Namjoon opened his eyes for the first time that day and smiled when he saw that his prediction was correct. A little girl lay snuggled in his embrace. Her deep brown eyes met his under a pair of nimble glasses, filling his heart with the kind of unconditional love that could only flow between a father and his daughter.

"Oh, I'm late, aren't I?" He apologized, sincerely, "I'm sorry, darling. I went to bed a little later than what I planned last night."

"Later than Seven-four-five?" She asked in disbelief. The girl didn't know how anyone could stay up past then!

"Much later than seven-four-five," Namjoon laughed, placing a well deserved kiss on her head.

Nari squirmed with a happiness she didn't quite know how to describe and eager to return his love, the girl peppered his face with little kisses. Namjoon allowed it of course. It comforted him to know that she felt safe enough to display affection....that is until he felt something a little sharper graze his cheek.

"Baby, no lovebites, remember?" He reminded her firmly, "Teeth are for eating food, not Joon."

"Awe," Nari pouted and left one last peck before settling back down into his arms, "Not fair."

Namjoon smiled. The truth was that he really didn't mind her lovebites, it's not like they hurt anyway, but he knew that the behavior could become a little problematic as she got older. "You don't want to eat me, darling," He lovingly teased her, "I'm not tasty, I'm just skin and bones." The boy's hand rested on her cheek, "Your ouchies are looking better though. Do they still hurt?"

"Little bit," She replied, referring to the red and purple bruises that covered her body, "No touch."

"That's right, no touch," Namjoon repeated, "I won't touch them if they still hurt. I would never hurt you."

"Never ever?"

"Never ever ever ever ever," He promised solemnly, "You're precious to me. I'd never do anything to cause you pain."

"Even if I was bad?"

Namjoon kissed the side of her head, "You're never bad, my darling. And even if you were, that doesn't mean that you deserve to be hurt."

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