Flower (꽃) - TXT Pt 1

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"Nari?" A loud knock sounded at the door to her, "Can I talk to you?"

The girl put down her homework with a sigh. She was so close to finally figuring out the answer to the math problem that had been giving her trouble. "Can it wait a little bit? Like just a minute?"

"No, we need to talk now."

The uncharacteristically serious answer surprised Nari. It wasn't often that the boys said no, especially to such a small request. She opened the door to see Jin at the other side. He looked stressed.

"Hey kiddo," The boy greeted her with a tired smile, "I've got some bad news."

"What is it?" Nari's eyes widened with fear, already imagining all the endless possibilities of what he had to say next, "Is everyone okay? Did someone die?"

Jin shook his head, "No, no, nothing like that. Don't worry, everyone is fine." He placed a hand behind his head, "It's just, you know how we were supposed to leave for Japan this weekend?"

"Uh huh," She nodded, "It's for some kind of awards ceremony, right?"

"That's right," The boy replied, "We were only supposed to go because were nominated, but I guess they want us to perform too now. And management wants us to film a couple BTS Run episodes as well." He let out a deep breath, dreading having to break the news, "So since we have a much busier schedule, we're going to have to leave sooner as well."

Nari's face fell. The boys' unplanned and sudden departure wasn't bound to sit well with her anxiety. "Oh. When do you have to leave?"

"In an hour."

"An hour?!" She exclaimed, "That's way too soon!" Nervous butterflies began to rise in her stomach, "W-Who's going to take care of me while you're gone? Will I go live with Hyo and Kyong then?"

"I know, it's too soon," Jin wrapped her in a hug, "and that was the plan at first, but they're both on business trips right now so that isn't an option. Namjoon thought about asking Chelsea, but since she's gone at school for most of the day we figured that you wouldn't like that either."

Nari nodded knowingly. She liked staying with Chelsea, but the absence of both her and the boys was bound to create more problems than it would solve. "So if it's not Chelsea or Hyo, then who am I staying with?" The girl asked.

"Well, why don't you go find out for yourself?" Jin let go and smiled, "They actually just got here."

Intrigued, she slipped past the oldest boy and started down the stairs. As soon as Nari got to the bottom, she was smothered in an attack of hugs and little kisses.

"Yeonjun-oppa!" The girl exclaimed, happily leaning into his arms, "You're here!"

"Of course I am!" He replied with a bright grin, "Your favorite oppa would never let you stay home all alone."

Nari laughed and gave him a grateful peck on the cheek before letting go, "You're the best." She embraced Beomgyu, Soobin, and Taehyun as well, as they were standing nearby, "I've missed you guys so much."

"We've missed you too," Beomgyu eagerly hugged her back, "You should have seen Yeonjun and Hyuka when Namjoon called, they were so happy I thought that they would explode."

"That sounds like them," Nari replied with a laugh, "Speaking of Kai, where is he? I haven't said hi to him yet."

Taehyun guestured to the other room, "I think he's still talking to your appa in the kitchen."

The girl nodded, her heart growing warm when she heard Taehyun refer to Namjoon as her father, "Thank you, Hyunnie. I'll go find them."

Sure enough, when Nari turned the corner she found exactly who she was looking for. The younger boy's chocolate colored eyes shone with excitement as he accepted her into his arms, "It's so good to see you again, flower girl."

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