Blue Hour (블루 아워)

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"You're here!" Nari exclaimed excitedly and ran to greet her tall friend, melting into his outstretched arms, "I'm so happy to see you, Kaikai."

"I'm happy to see you too, flower girl," Kai eagerly hugged her back, smiling at the girl's nickname for him, "I've been looking forward to this all week!"

"Hey! Hyuka! When are you gonna introduce the rest of us?!" A different boy chimed in, "Don't hog all the affection!"

Kai gently let go and turned around, introducing Nari to an even taller boy with the coolest hair she had ever seen: a pastel pink mullet with blonde highlights, "Alright, alright. This is Yeonjun."

"Your's so pretty." The girl said quietly, suddenly feeling shy, and gave a respectful bow.

"Thank you so much!" Yeonjun replied with a bright smile, "I like yours too! Purple really suits you."

"I think so too!" A boy with blue hair greeted her, "Hi! I'm Soobin. Hyuka talks about you a lot, it's nice to finally meet you."

"What about me? I want to introduce myself!" Another boy with brown hair whined, "Hello Nari, my name is Beomgyu." He looked over his shoulder, "Oh, here comes Taehyun too!"

Sure enough, a blonde boy joined the group and waved hello, "Hey, it's nice to meet you. I'm Taehyun. Jungkook went to get tickets to the amusement park, by the way. He said he'll be back soon."

"It's nice to meet you too," Nari replied politely and then paused, "I already have a Tae, so can I call you a nickname?"

"Of course!" Taehyun smiled warmly, "Can I give you a nickname too?"

She nodded bashfully, "I-Is it ok if I call you Hyunnie?" Nari leaned against the youngest boy's side, hoping to ease her anxiety. There were so many new people. Kai reassuringly patted her head. It was easy to empathize with Nari, he was awkward around strangers too.

"You know, Nari, his English name is Terry," Beomgyu said with a snicker, prompting a quick slap from the boy in question.

"Doesn't listen to him," Taehyun urged her and shot Beomgyu a dirty look, "I think that Hyunnie is very cute, you can call me that if you want to. Hm, now what should your nickname be? Nari...Nabi, like a butterfly. How about that? Nabi?"

The girl nodded, feeling a little more confident, "I like it. Nabi."

"Hey guys! I got the tickets!" Jungkook appeared beside them, "Here's the adult ones," He handed the four older boys orange paper wristbands, "and the two childrens tickets for Nari and Hyuka."

Kai sighed as he slipped on his green wristband, amid the snickers of his bandmates, "Guys I turn 18 in like 3 months."

"You're still just a baby," Soobin cooed, "But not as little as Nari. She's the ultimate baby."

Nari blushed and stuck close to Kai, hiding behind his lanky frame. She sometimes forgot how little she was compared to the rest of them. The boys didn't really treat her like a child, they talked to her just like they talked to eachother. Well, Taehyung babied her a bit. Nari didn't mind though, she knew that he missed his real siblings and was more than happy to fill the hole they left in his heart.

"If Nari is the ultimate baby, then I'm the ultimate adult!" Jungkook declared, "And that means that I get to choose what ride we go on first!" He pointed to a giant metal structure that arched high above their heads, "I choose that one!"

Kai's eyes widened, "Well if you want to ride that one, then I'm out." He glanced at Nari, hoping that she shared his proclaimation. Unfortunately for him, the girl's eyes sparkled with excitement.

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