Coming Out (나오는)

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"Nari." Urgent but gentle hands shook her shoulders, "Nari, sweetheart, wake up. It's important."

The girl groaned and begrudgingly opened her eyes to see Jimin at edge of her bed. Concern filled his eyes. "Good." He breathed a sigh of relief, "You're awake."

"What's wrong?" Nari yawned, sitting up, "It's early."

"I know, I know," Jimin answered, "But um, have you checked twitter lately?"

The girl furrowed her brows as she reached for her phone and glasses, "I haven't." Nari opened the app and her blood ran cold as soon as she saw the first trending hashtag.

"Kim Nari lesbian." She read slowly, looking to the boy, " did they know? We've taken so many precautions this past year."

"A sasaeng most likely," Jimin shook his head with contempt, "There's no way that any normal fan could have gotten that kind of information." He peered over her shoulder and clicked on a tweet, "This is the original thread. It's got pictures and everything."

Sure enough, the set of tweets was filled with pictures of Nari and Iris. At least two from every time they had met up in New York and even pictures from when Iris came to Seoul. Nari felt a knot form in her stomach. Her sexuality was already something that she was insecure about, but Iris had always made her feel safe. To know that someone was watching over her shoulder even made her so disgusted.

"What does management think?" She asked Jimin. There was no time for her own feelings, BigHit came first. How were they going to cover this up?

"Well, Namjoon has been on the phone all night," The boy answered, "All this dropped around 2 AM, but he said that no one was allowed to wake you up until 7 so he's been trying to handle it by himself until then."

"Is it....Is it working?"

Jimin shook his head, "I don't think so, sweetheart. Whoever did this managed to get both of your faces in like every single picture. I don't think we'll be able to refute it." He wrapped a supportive arm around her shoulders, "But hey, you'll be able to be out, right? Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Not like this," Nari shook her head, "Not at all." She clicked the call button next to Iris's twitter icon, "I think I should call Iris."

"That's a good idea," Her companion agreed, "Do you want me to leave?"

"No. Stay, please."

Jimin nodded with a small smile, "Got it."

"Hey, Ri-Ri," Iris answered the video call from the other side of the phone, "Are you okay? Did you see what's happening on Twitter?"

As always, Iris took Nari's breath away just a little bit every time she saw them. Their green hair was messy and their blue eyes as bright as the early morning sky outside. Now isn't the time to think about how pretty they are, The girl reprimanded herself, regretfully getting back to business, "Yeah, I did. I guess it's finally out."

"My feed has been blowing up for the past four hours," Iris said, "It's crazy how fast they found me, my account isn't even that big. Now I've got like almost 500 DMs either calling me slurs or asking me if I'm dating the real Kim Nari."

"I am so so sorry," She sincerely apologized, "I never wanted it to happen like this."

Iris shook their head, "It's alright, babe, I know it's not your fault-"

"Awe, they call you babe!" Jimin couldn't help but squeal, jostling Nari, "So cute!"

The older child laughed on the other side of the phone, covering up for the blush that was spreading across the younger's face, "Hi Jimin. I didn't know you were here too."

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