Bias (편견)

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"Chels, when is dinner going to be ready?" Namjoon pouted and laid his head in his hands on the table in Chelsea's apartment, "I'm hungry."

"I know, I know," The woman replied, frustratedly turning switches on the oven back and forth, "But unfortunately, I think my stove has decided to die on us." She sighed, "I should have expected it. Damn thing has been giving me trouble all week."

Namjoon stood up, "Here, let me take a look. Maybe I can fix it. "

"No offense, Moon-Joon," Chelsea shook her head, "but I think your daughter is more qualified than you for this since she can actually cook."

The girl looked up from her homework, "Hm, yeah I think you're right. You'll just break it more, Namjoon."

He sighed playfully and sat back down under the kotatsu, knowing that they were right, "I guess I can let you handle it." The boy smiled as Nari gave him an affectionate pat on the head before going to the kitchen a few feet away.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything," She assured him, "You just relax."

"Alright darling, tell me if you need help." Namjoon chuckled. As Nari grew older, she became more and more determined to take care of the both of them. She was forging her own way in the world and he was so proud. The scared child that was reluctant to even leave his side was gone, in her place was a strong girl who lived life to the fullest. He had no doubt that she was destined to do great things and that he would love her until the end of time.

The boy laid back on the cheap carpet and absentmindedly stared upwards, noticing yet another wet spot on the beige ceiling. "Hey, Chels?" He called, "I think there's something wrong with your plumbing again."

"Ugh, of course there is. I'll check it out tomorrow." Chelsea sighed defeatedly, tossing takeout menus on the table, "I'm giving up on cooking tonight, let's order something."

Namjoon immediately sat up and joined Nari in looking at menus, eager to get one step closer to dinner, "You don't have to live here until we get married, you know," He mentioned casually, "I can get you a better apartment, it's just Itaewon, I can afford pretty much any place you want."

"We've talked about this before, babe," She replied with her face turning a light shade of pink at the mention of marriage, "It's important to me that I don't rely on you too much financially. You already insisted on paying for the rent here so I can focus on my student debt, I think that's all I'm comfortable with for now."

"That's fair." Namjoon agreed, "Just know that the offer is always open. And hey? I need to tell you something."

"Hm? Is it that you love me?"

"Well, no actually. I mean yes I do," He pointed to a menu with a red and white logo, "But I want KFC for dinner. I'm breaking my diet tonight and you can't stop me."

Nari laughed and put down her takeout pamphlet, "Fried chicken sounds good. "

Suddenly a knock was heard at the door. At first the three of them ignored it, but the sound repeated a second time a few minutes later. Chelsea groaned and stood up to get answer the door, "I'll get it. Some people stopped by the other day trying to convince to join some church, it's probably them again."

"Okay, let me know if you need any help," Namjoon replied as she left, then turned to his daughter, "So should we get mashed potatoes or biscuits for a side?"

Nari thought for a minute, "Hmm, we should get both so we can give Chelsea the leftovers. She can put them in the microwave tomorrow since her stove is broken."

"Ohh, that's a good idea!" He agreed enthusiastically, "You're so smart, my darling."

"Uh, Joon?" The woman's voice came from the other room, "C-Can you come here for a sec?"

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