Reflection (반사) - TXT Pt 3

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"Yeonjun that's not how you do it." Soobin scolded the older boy, taking the mixing spoon from his hand, "Look how much flour you've spilled, you're making such a mess. Here let me-"

"No!" Yeonjun immediately lunged for the spoon and pried it out of his hand, "I need to be the one to make the pancakes! All by myself!"

Beomgyu took a sip of his coffee as he scrolled through his phone, "You're sure taking this big brother stuff seriously."

"Well of course," The pink haired boy replied immediately, "Nari deserves the best care while her boys are gone. It's our job to keep this place feeling like home so she doesn't miss them."

"I guess you're right," He agreed, "But why do you have to be the only one to make breakfast though? You're not even a good cook."

Yeonjun continued to stubbornly mix the batter, sending a light mist of flour across the table, "Cause I want to. That's all."

"Good morning!" Kai announced, appearing in the stairwell with his hair sticking up in all different directions as he had just gotten up, "Yeonjun, what are you doing?"

"Making pancakes," The boy explained once again, "and you can't help."

Kai shrugged and took a seat next to Soobin, "If you insist."

"Did you happen to check on Nari before you came?" Taehyun asked the youngest boy, "It's almost 11:30 and she isn't up yet."

"I peeked into her room, she's still asleep." Kai answered and grabbed a tangerine from the middle of the table, "I thought about waking her but I just couldn't. She looked so peaceful."

Yeonjun nodded, "Yeah, you should let her sleep. She needs it, poor girl had a rough night."

"Rough night?" Soobin questioned, "How would you know that?"

The older boy bit his lip, realizing his mistake, "Well, she had a nightmare. I was awake and I heard her crying so I stayed with her for a while." Yeonjun said slowly, careful not to give too much away. He didn't know how much they knew and the last thing he wanted was to violate her trust.

"Ah, I see," Beomgyu said softly, "Poor kiddo. Was it bad?"

"Pretty bad. I don't think I've ever seen anyone cry that hard before." He paused, "For such a little girl, she's been through a lot."

Kai looked up from his peeled tangerine, "This is probably a good time to tell you guys that she's got a therapy appointment today. Namjoon just texted me about it this morning. So, who wants to take her?"

"You should," Soobin answered, "She's the closest to you, so you should be there."

"I know..." The youngest boy said, his voice trailing off as he tried to find the right words, "But I'm not very good at comforting people, you know? I wouldn't know what to do. Yeonjun, Nari seems to trust you. Can you go?"

He shook his head, "I'd love to, but I need to work on the choreography today. I think the managers will kill me if I don't have it down by the end of the week. Taehyun, what about you?"

"Me?" The boy replied in surprise, "You think I can do it?"

"I think that's a great idea actually," Beomgyu said, "She likes you and you're very comforting. You're perfect for the job."

The rest of the boys nodded in agreement, making Taehyun feel a little more confident. "Alright, I'll do it," He finally agreed, "I told Namjoon that I would take care of her, and I intend to keep my promise."

"Good morning," A soft voice came from the entrance to the kitchen, where Nari had suddenly appeared. She smiled shyly and let out a little yawn, "What's for breakfast?"

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