Sugawara & Oikawa - Cross the Pacific

Start from the beginning

You zipped up your large coat, preparing for the cold outside that would surely try to bite at any uncovered skin. Rising onto your toes, you pecked the small mole that delicately sat next to his eye. "I'll be fine, Koushi," You replied, stepping out onto the concrete stairs. "Love you."

"Love you too, get home safe."


Your breath wavered as you opened the email that waited in your inbox.

It was early in the morning, maybe around 6 am, the rest of your family was still asleep and you were quivering in your desk chair trying to build up the courage of opening the blasted email that waited in your inbox. Your mouth felt grimy, still sour from just waking up. You grimaced, wincing at the sunlight that decided to peek out from behind the clouds and pierce your eyes.

Weaving your fingers together, you brought the bridge of your nose, right between the brow, to rest against them. You took in a deep breath, feeling your heart trying to rip it's way out through your sternum. This moment could be the beginning or end of your career.

As you moved the cursor to sit above the email, you spared a glance at the delicately hung photo on the wall behind your monitor. The tape had held on strong for the last couple of years. Koushi told you that 'it wouldn't last' when you first stuck it up. The clear tape hasn't given up yet. Your mom thinks it's a good omen. You just think she spends too much time looking at horoscopes on Facebook. Either way, you thought it was a good sign.

Huffing out a shaky breath, you looked back at the hidden message and clicked it open.

The first line, then the next, then you skipped over the rest, not needing to see much more than that.

You pushed out of your chair, nearly falling to the floor of your bedroom because of your shaking knees. The fluid in your head seemed to splash up against the side of your skull and your stomach clenched in on itself, suddenly in need of food. The floor seemed much more welcoming now that a moment ago.

Softly, you dropped to your knees and let your body flatten against the cool hardwood floor. You breathed deeply, letting the cold air calm your nerves and slow down the rushing blood in your veins. You smiled, pushing your nose into the plush carpet at the foot of your bed.

"I did it. I fucking did it."

In the hours it took for your parents to wake up, you were at your computer. The steps you had to follow were simple enough. Contact your guidance counsellor, fill in a few documents, and finally, say yes. Your hands shook the entire time

You were in the kitchen, chugging back a large glass of water when you told your mom. She nearly broke your glass in the process of yanking you into a bone-crushing hug that made you choke.

"(Y/N). Argentina, are you kidding? You better not be lying to me or else I'm gonna cry."

"You're already crying. Now please, I can't breathe here."

She reluctantly drops her hands, turning toward the refrigerator to pull out a small tupperware container filled with leftovers you didn't know you had. "So, what are you going to do?" she asked.

"Well, I have a few months before I leave. But I'm gonna search for an apartment, see if there are any part-time jobs I can apply for to get some extra money, apply for a Visa. I'll even do some language courses before I go. I—"

"(Y/N)," she interjected, taking a seat at the kitchen counter. "What about Koushi?"

You paused, letting the cold air run over your shoulders as the sudden realization of the situation made itself known at the front of your mind. "Oh, right. Well, I only plan to be there for a year, then I can come back and do university here right? Koushi will get it, he'll understand."

Haikyuu!! AUs (x Reader) Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now