Futakuchi Kenji - Cap'N'Bells Pt 2

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Au: Royalty

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Au: Royalty

Tags/Warnings: F! Reader, Totally not a concept I saw on tiktok and wanted to try

Word Count: 1.5k


You wish you could distract yourself with the architecture of the hall. The polished white stone arches, rich blue drapes that hung from the tops of the towering windows; the carved grotesques that hid in the frames of the walls, staring at the visitors from their hiding spots. You knew it all, and have counted the right angles, doorways, tiles and curtains many times over. You wish you could do it again, but a wailing jester, crawling by your feet as he played the mandolin, wouldn't let your attention stray from his checkered black and blue motley and jingling bells.

Oddly enough, part of you couldn't look away, as the horrific realisation that the fool had colour coded himself to match your decorations and dress for your birthday. The only other person out of hundreds in the room to do so.

Huffing, you wait for the next moment that the jester turns away to the crowd at the other side of the room to slip between the bodies of the castle attendants and make your way into the nearby hallway.

"Princess? You should be inside." On the other side of the double doors is one of the knights, pressed uniform fitted perfectly with a guard dog at their side.

"Oh, Dame Celine. I didn't know you were on post tonight."

The knight shrugged, making the ribbons on her uniform sway. "Sir Charles got sick; apparently, he's allergic to dog fur. So little Clementine here is on watch with me tonight." Celine lifts the leash to gesture towards the fluffy Akita, who stares down the hall with fierce determination and readiness to run.

Hearing the jester's mandolin through the door along with guests' laughter, you sigh and move to sit on the polished floor in front of the dog, dress puffing up like cupcake icing. Lifting your hands, you immediately grab the hound by the cheeks and begin to scratch through her thick fur,

"Has anything been happening with the lookouts lately?" There's another roar of muted laughter through the door, and you give Celine a pleading look to start talking.

"There's been some worries. The dogs don't seem to be a bit agitated, but sadly we haven't enough evidence of anything to really raise any alarms."

"That's more calm than normal."

"Surprisingly so. With your birthday, I believe most people assume there are more guards on posts, so a slimmer chance that they would be able to achieve anything." Celine shrugs and watches as Clementine finally melts into your hands and rests her head on your knees, making you coo. "She's a suck-up."

"Oh, I don't mind a little drool. How could anyone resist such a cute face?"

"Many, the palace dogs are very protective. I've lost count of how many people they've chased off the grounds...Or rather taken to the ground." Despite Celine's cautionary story, Clementine rolls onto her back, with her tongue lolling out and paws relaxed in the air. You immediately jump on the canine, placing dark cool-toned kiss marks around her muzzle while rubbing her belly.

Haikyuu!! AUs (x Reader) Pt 2Where stories live. Discover now