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'Congratulations! You are pregnant!'

' I'm what?!'

'Pregnant. 4 WEEKS pregnant already. Congratulations.'

I couldn't believe what I just heard. I'm pregnant? I M PREGNANT?! I didn't know what to do anymore. Honestly, I was happy. I felt happy for some reason knowing that it was Taehyung's child.

But it was Taehyung's child. How would I raise a kid on my own? Plus I was just 22!

' You don't look so happy, Lisa.' The doctor said. I gave her a weak smile. I didn't know how Taehyung would react to this. It was rather a very big news.

'Uh I'm not so sure.' I said. The doctor placed her hand on mine, as if trying to console me.

' it's okay I get that you have entered motherhood in a very young age. But make sure you stay happy. Get proper daily check ups on time. It will help you monitor your baby's development. Cause that's what determines the health of your baby. And yours of course. Take care alright?'
' Yes thank you.'

I picked up my purse and left. Happy? How could I be happy after knowing how things are gonna end up. But that was something I'd worry bout later. My mind was going mad. How would Taehyung react to this big news? I was really curious.

I checked the time and I still had 10 minutes. I went back to the car where namjoon was sitting, playing on his phone. I gave him a look signalling dont-ask-me-anything and so he also stayed quiet.

' could you drop me at the XXX cafe?'
'Yea okay'

That's it and the entire journey went in silence.

Namjoon parked the car and was about to come with me but I stopped him. I told him I had to go alone.

I put a big smile on my face. Why wouldn't I? After all I was pregnant. I was, to be honest, really happy. I was happy that the child was of someone whom I loved. Loved with my whole heart.

I stroked my belly. I walked through the place till I saw Taehyung. He was dressed in black. Not gonna lie but he looked amazingly hot in black.

I called his name and waved at him as he looked up. There was something weird about his gaze tho. It looked awfully cold.

I wondered if he had already come to know the news of my pregnancy. Was he not Happy? I decided not to make assumptions. I had to stay no matter what.

I walked towards him. But something made me stop dead in my tracks. It was a gun shot sound.

Before I knew it everyone near by began running as more gun shots followed the previous one.

People ran hither-thither, jostling and pushing their ways to get to some where safe.

Within a minute the whole area was cleared and now the scene infront of me became more clear.

There were men around me with guns in their hands. I couldn't u sweat and what was going on.

Taehyung was kneeling on the floor with his hands in the air. I stood there, frozen. I looked around trying to understand the situation that was there in front of me. I spotted Mark, who was now coming towards me. I was confused.


You stood there as more people began coming out of their hiding spots. They all had guns in their hands. It took you a second to realise that they were none other than the ones in your department.

Jimin was holding a gun at Taehyung's head. All the guns were pointed towards him, in case he tried to make any move.

Your eyes were fixed at Taehyung.

MET IN VIENNA #kth[mafia][COMPLETED ✅]Where stories live. Discover now