Chapter Twenty- One

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Des- Come on Scar. It's been three weeks! Get over yourself
Now who's acting desperate
Des- (rolling eyes)
It was a bitch move you pulled.
Des- It's not like it was a lie
*block this user*

"Remember when you showed me the waterfall a few weeks back," He nodded, not taking his eyes off the pages of his newest obsession. "It's my turn."

"Sure, when?" He asks, only halfway listening.

"Right now."

I snatch the book from his hand and throw it in my messenger bag that was holding my laptop.

"Hey! I was reading that."

"You can read it when we get back," He stares blankly, not moving from his spot on my couch. "Come on. Let's go!" I tried pulling him up but considering I have the muscle mass of a two-year-old... We can predict how it turned out.

"It was getting really good!" He whined, yanking his wrists out of my hands and crossing his arms.

"You can read it when we get there," He doesn't move. "I know you'd love it. Don't you trust me?"

"I would if you gave me back my book."

I snatched the copy out my bag and flung it at his head. His hand-eye coordination was amazing due to years of catching balls flying to his face at a million miles an hour and he caught the book inches away from hitting his gorgeous face.

Did I just call Jace gorgeous?


He trudged his feet to my car and got in the passenger seat. I cleaned it earlier because I was anticipating this trip. I tried not to let myself get too self-conscious about the quality of my car compared to his tricked out Jeep.

"Where are we going?" Jace asks for the tenth time.

"You'll find out. At least you're not wearing a blindfold." He rolled his eyes. "Just read the book."

Jace grabbed the book off his lap and made a point of reading aloud from whatever chapter he was on. And I made a point to make some extra hard stops causing him to lurch forward and lose his place every few seconds.

Our destination was coming up and Jace hadn't looked up in a while. He didn't even know I parked the car in a garage until I tapped him on the shoulder, bringing him out of whatever fantasy he was in

"When'd we get here?" His brows furrowed and glasses hung low on his nose.

I pushed them up for him and flashed him a cheeky smile before getting out of the car. I regret wearing black leggings and a hoodie when I should've worn shorts and a t-shirt like Jace was. Obviously, he looked at the weather report this morning.

I get out of the car before Jace and check the trunk to see my school uniform packed neatly under a pile of market bags for when my mom uses my truck to buy groceries. I had to change in the nasty school bathrooms before I came to Jace's house after school. And I couldn't let something stupid like a school uniform expose me before I could expose myself. Not that I was planning on doing that anytime soon.

"Where are we?" Jace showed up behind me. I quickly shut the trunk and turned to him, my hands shaking behind my back.

"Not that far from your house. Kind of like a county between there and the city."

"What's so important?" I wiggle my eyebrows.

"You'll see!"

Jace lets me drag him up the street, passing by countless Mom and Pop stores. He wanted to stop and look at a few but we were on a schedule. This place will only be open for another hour.

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