"I didn't ditch you."

"Oh really so you didn't leave me stranded at Jace's school with no car so you could go fuck his brother," I said. "And it wasn't you who refused to give me a ride home that night when I give you rides every fucking day because you hate gas stations-"

She held her hand up and I suppressed the overwhelming urge to bend it back so far it would break. "You're stuck in the past sweetheart." It was two weeks ago and I had to take an Uber home.

"You're such a fucking bitch." She didn't respond as we walked an excruciatingly long five-minute walk to the baseball field. I could faintly make out Jace in his uniform on the bench. He was staring intently at the game as one of Elkridge players went up to bat.

I didn't notice I stopped walking until Destiny pulled me aside, narrowly missing a stray lacrosse ball that was about to hit my right eye.

"Jesus Scar, pay attention!" I ignored her and kept walking, finding a seat away from the crowd. Destiny didn't make it to the bleachers before Jasper called. She gave me a curt goodbye and sashayed off in a typical Destiny fashion to find Jace's asshole twin brother.

I didn't scream with the others when a Markland player scored a -run, I think it's called or when an Elkridge player did. I was completely neutral until Jace went up to bat. I watched as his eyes scanned the crowd before I realized he was looking for me.

I stood upon the bleacher and his eyes met mine. For a split second his determined expression morphed into a smile. I returned it, shooting him a thumbs up before sitting back down.

After Jace got to first base on a walk, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to find a tall blonde girl staring down at me from behind thick lashes.

She didn't say anything for a minute, silently scrutinizing me.

"Can I help you?" I asked and her blue eyes found their way back to mine.

"You look familiar." She finally spoke in a voice that commanded respect.

"Umm... okay?"

"You were on his Instagram." She smoothed down her skirt and sat up straight.


"Jace Kingston. The boy that you just stood up for."

Realization dawned on me and I remembered the picture he posted of me sitting on the swing. I didn't want him to take that picture but he refused to listen and stated, "It's my right as a photographer to capture beauty such as yours."

After he said that I argued with him over his use of cheesy quotes and he swore that he made that up on the spot. I didn't believe him but I still let him take the picture.

"How do you even know that?"

"I never forget a face," She stated calmly. "Jace and Jasper are a big deal over here," I scoffed and she sent me a dry look. "I just wanted to know how a girl like you got your hands on him?"

"A girl like me?" I laughed but stopped when she sent me a glare. "I honestly don't know."

"You're like a ghost. Girls over here tried for days to find you, but came up empty," I looked around to see if anybody else could hear this conversation I'm having with this borderline stalker. "Now you're right here. The mystery is no more."

"You do realize that they're two 17-year-old boys not celebrities, right?"

"They're also extremely wealthy and single."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Jasper's not single."

She looks at me before glancing over to her friend with an amused smirk. "Sure he's not." They laugh it off and I hear an umpire announce that the game has ended.

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