Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I know the feeling."

"I doubt it," He sneered. "Unless there's a twin sister you haven't told me about." Among all the things I haven't told you, a secret twin sister is the least of your worries.

"For the last three years, I've felt the same way," He scoffed. "But I just learned that I didn't need to seek validation with everything I do. I'm my own person and there are people who support me and love me." His face paled. I struck a nerve.

"What are you trying to say?" He mumbled, less sure of himself than before. Good, he needs to learn this lesson. Just like I had to.

"There are people who love you for everything that you have. Like me and Carter and Henry and Alex and Jasmine and Camron," I reminded him. "You have people that will pick you every day and will keep picking you. You don't need that girl's approval or Jasper's. Everything you need is what you have."

We were silent for a few minutes as my words sunk in. I wanted them to be embedded in his skin. Whenever he feels like he was less than the caring, gentle, amazing person that he is, he'll remember what I said. I lied to him about one thing though, the truth is I haven't taken my own advice. I deluded myself into believing exactly what Jace believes and I saw how irrational it was from another point of view. I'm no less of a person than Destiny is. We have different strengths and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't need everybody in school loving me because I love me. I need to start believing that.

"Can we grab lunch?" I broke the silence. He wordlessly nodded, finally turning on the car before I passed out from heatstroke.

"How about Charleys?"




"Chick Fil A?"

"Had it yesterday," He groans and I have a lightbulb idea. A stupid one, but he did say he wanted to visit the city.

"Chicken boxes!" He raises his eyebrows in confusion. "You've never had a chicken box?" He shakes his head

"Oh, you're in for a real treat my friend. Just to warn you it's in the city,"

"You have to give me directions," I nod and I put Tommy's in his navigation.

As we get closer to the city, he looks more nervous than anticipated. Actually, that's a lie I knew he would look like this. He looks at the people outside his window like they are sideshow tourist attractions. I sit back and pray that nobody sees me in this car as we ride past my neighborhood.

"Are you sure this is safe?" He asks when we pull up to Tommy's. I ignored his question and pushed him through the door. He has to duck a little walking in because this door wasn't meant to fit a 6' guy.

I suddenly remembered a very important detail to why I go here, Ashley works here. Her parents own this place. I mentally facepalm praying that she isn't working today. Unfortunately, my prayers are shot to hell when she walks out from the back carrying a case of ginger ales to put in the freezer.

"Hey Scar, I didn't know you were coming today." Her voice energetic was oblivious to my distress.

Her hair is yanked up in a bun, so big that she might topple over if she leans too far to one side. The store logo is embedded in the corner of her neon orange shirt. She looks normal to me, probably looks like an alien to Jace.

I blink furiously at her hoping she gets the picture and shuts up. I yank my head in Jace's direction whose focus is on the menu on top of the counter and she finally notices. She covers her hand over her mouth probably to keep from freaking out because she's finally seen my mystery man in person.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom for a second," I tell Jace who nodded before looking down at his phone. Ashley follows me into the bathroom and locks the door.

"So, why are we in this bathroom and not out there talking to your mystery man?" Ashley questions. I start pacing before telling her the story of how I tricked Jace.

"So, he thinks you live in some rich neighborhood with a preppy private school," She says disbelieved. "He doesn't know anything real about you except your best friend and your name."

"More or less," I stammer. "The important thing is, he can't find out!"

"And why not?"

"Because... because... I said so." She stares me down

"Wow, I thought you were better than this. What happens if he finds out?"

"I'll deal with it, but right now it's not complicated. We don't need to make things complicated."

"If you were so keen on him not finding out, why would you bring him here?"

"I forgot, okay. I didn't know it would go this far," I admit to myself more than her. "Please Ash help me!" She contemplated it for a second

"I'm not going to tell him, but when this whole thing backfires it's on your ass." She says walking out of the bathroom.

I'll tell him the truth, eventually. I just need more time. The scene of Kalina's party replayed in my head where I had almost the same conversation with Destiny, except I told her that a month and a half ago.

I walk out of the bathroom a few minutes after Ashley and we order. Ashley is our cashier and while Jace orders she keeps looking back over to me. I avoid eye contact and suddenly become fascinated with a tray of mints next to the cash register. She side-eyes me as she hands me the bags. I just smile too wide and say thank you. Jace does the same thing but he doesn't look like this is the most awkward interaction in his entire life.

After we get in the car, we eat our food. Well, I eat mine and he devours his.

"This is amazing!" He says with ketchup on his cheek. I lick my finger and he lets me wipe it off.

"Yeah, you don't get food like this from a chain," he murmurs a response, finishing off his last fry. I offer to throw our food away and I walk back into the store.

"You need to tell him, he's bound to find out one way or another," Ashley says when she walks to me from behind the counter. I don't even know why we are repeating the same conversation.

"I got this, don't worry.." She gives me a big squeeze and I do the same back. "See you, Ash."

"By the way, that boy is fine!" She looks over at Jace getting in the car then back at me with a mischievous grin. "You know for a white boy." She winks at me and I shove her before walking over to the door.

I walk back out to the car and we drive off. I sigh as I look back at Jace who is focused on the road ahead.

What am I even doing here? I wish I knew why I still hung around him. Why do I torture myself with constantly looking over my shoulder waiting for Jace to realize that he doesn't need me? Waiting for somebody to out me because of the four people that know, one them wouldn't mind seeing me get knocked down a peg.

I shook those nasty thoughts out of my head and focused on the now. Right now, Jace considers me his best friend. He trusts me. He enjoys my company. That's the only thing that matters.

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