It's Over

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Chapter 30

Lily's POV

"I can't believe my dad, he's such a dick" I sigh. We all went back to James' house after we were all kicked out of mine, my dad is such a drama queen.

"We could hear it from upstairs, I was so scared" Emily says

"I said we should have climbed out of the window but the others didn't agree, I think it would have worked" Connor says

"You are the clumsiest person I know Con, you would have broken at least 4 bones" Lucie laughs.

"You alright mate?" James asks Brad, he's barely said anything.

"Yeah fine" Brad says rather bluntly "Just going to the loo" he says before quickly getting up and leaving the room.

"Is he really ok? He's been so quiet?" Tristan asks

"I don't buy it I'll ask him what's wrong, dad was horrible to him" I say getting up.
I walk out the room to find Brad and realise his shoes aren't at the door, nor his coat. I decide not to alert the others and go outside to find him, he can't have gone far. I throw my hood up as it's dribbling a bit. After a few minutes I spot Brad on a swing in the park.

"Brad!" I shout. He looks up at me and looks at his feet again. I run over to him "You alright?" I ask.

"Yeah" he says

"Well, it's obvious that your not-"

"Just leave it Lily" he says. I sit down on the swing next to him.

"Tell me what's wrong"



"I can't, it will ruin it"

"Ruin what?" I ask. Brad mumbles something that isn't even audible "What was that?" I ask

"I said I can't do this anymore!" He shouts "You heard Lily, it's for your own good, trust me"

"You don't mean that-"

"I do" he shouts bluntly

"You were fine this morning Brad" I mumble picking off my nail vanish. He can't mean it. He can't. We have been though so much. This is not the Brad I know and love.

"It's not like that, I've felt like this for ages" he says staring at his shoes.

"Brad stop bullshitting! I'm not stupid it's something dad has said to you!" I say jumping up from the swing.

"It really, really isn't" he says, his fists clenching together.

"What then?" I shout

"Ask the boys"

"Ask the boys what?" I ask. Why isn't he being straight with me? It's not that hard.

"What happened in Amercia" he says.

"Seriously just tell me, what happened in America" I plead.
He just doesn't move or talk "See nothing happened Brad" I scoff.

"Lil, look at me" he says. I walk towards him and look at him, for once he looks at me, his eyes are dilated and his expression looks hard.
Something is wrong.
He's not joking
"I'm sorry" he says, his eyes glossing with water.

"What happened?" I ask, my voice quivering. It's bad I can tell, I feel like my heart is rising up my throat.

"We were all out in a club" he starts.
I know what's coming.

"You cheated on me didn't you?" I ask.

"No, yes well no" he says

"Which one Brad?" I say my voice hitching with fear.

"I didn't mean to-"

"What did you do? A kiss or more?" I ask.
I wish I didn't, I don't want to know.

"More" he mumbles.

"Fuck sake Brad! Why didn't you tell me before?" I shout.

"I couldn't Lil, I just couldn't" he says.

"So you decide to sleep with me then tell me?" I shout.

"I don't know!" He shouts "It's not my fault"
God I can't listen to this anymore.
What an idiot

"I hate you" I say

"No you don't Lil" Brad says.

"I hate you right now, now in this moment of time"

"I do care about you Lily"

"Whatever, it's over"

"What? Don't over react"

"I'm not" I sigh "Brad just, just leave me for a bit" I say, I run to the only place I know I can go now.
Home, if they let me back.


I get my key from my pocket and unlock the front door.

"Lily?" My mum asks

"Hi" I mumble

"Ignore your dad Lily, do what you want to do" she smiles.

"Thanks it doesn't matter now anyway, where is dad?" I ask

"Upstairs, I love you lily" she says

"Thanks mum love you too" I say running towards her and drowning her in a hug.

"I'll do you some food"

"Thank you, can I go to my room just for a bit?" I ask.

"Yeah of course Lily" she says.
I run upstairs into my room and decide to ring Connor, Brad did say ask the boys. I get his number up and ring it.

"Hey Lily you alright? Where did you go?" Connor asks

"I noticed Brad's shoes where gone so I went to look for him"

"Oh right, did you find him?" He asks

"Yeah, Con we are close right?" I ask

"Yeah course we are" he says

"Can you tell me the truth if I ask you something? Even if it will kill me?"

"Yeah ok, you're scaring me a bit" he chuckles

"In America, did Brad cheat on me?" I ask


"You heard Con, did Brad cheat on me while in America?"

"Well...erm.....we were all out one night and I think he may have been with a girl then-"


"Ok? Lily I'm not 100% sure so don't take my word for it, talk to Brad" Connor says obviously worried he dropped Brad in it.

"I have, he told me he had cheated on me"

"Oh shit, are you ok?" He asks

"Not really" I say

"Want me to come over? Or will your dad go all 'get out of my house'?"

"It's alright Con I just need some space from everyone I think, even the girls, I need to clear my head"

"I get it and they will too, stay safe Lily see you soon?"

"Yeah I'll see you all soon, bye Con"

"Bye" He says, I hang up the phone and just sit there.
I don't get it.
I'm so confused.
I thought Brad loved me.
I lie down on my bed and just stare at the ceiling.
I need space.


Brad has been bad *tut tut tut*

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