The Park

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Chapter 6

I wake up and feel my head hurting. My punishment for having so much fun yesterday. It's 9:34am.

Why am I awake?

I normally lie in until 11 or something. Once I'm up I can never go back to sleep.

I hate myself sometimes.

I walk into the kitchen and rummage though the medicine draw and find some tablets to get rid of my headache. My mum comes into the kitchen and smiles.

"Morning love. Wanna cup of tea?" She asks me.

"Yeah please mum"

"Then you can tell me all the gossip from the fair yesterday!"

Mum makes the tea and I make some toast. We sit opposite each other, ready to discuss what we have both been up to.

"So how was the fair?" She asks, her voice filled with excitement.

"Great, me and the girls had a good time,as always. It was a laugh" I say, biting into my piece of toast. I don't want to tell her about the boys just yet. I only meet them yesterday.

"Just you and the girls?" She asks raising her eyebrows "I spoke to Nan and she says you made some friends, male friends" She says wiggling her eyebrows.

I choke on some crumbs.

I'm busted!

We sit in silence as I try to think of a reply but mum fills the silence for me.

"It's ok Lily, they are just friends right?"

"Yes Mum, I only met them yesterday!"

"As long as they are not friends with benefits or whatever you call them" she says with a stern tone to her voice.

"Mum! Who do you think I am?"

"I know sweetie, I'm just looking out for you. I don't mind you having a boyfriend!"

"Mum you don't need to worry, I'm not going out with any of them yet"

"Yet?" she says, raising her eyebrows.

"Well I kind of like one of them, but it's fine if he doesn't feel the same. He's a good friend" My mum nods and understands. We tell each other everything about feelings for boys, especially since the 'Dad' situation. Mum would have found out about the boys anyway.

My phone buzzes on the table and mum's eyes light up.

"One of your new friends Lily?"

I roll my eyes and see who has text me.

From: Amy💛

-Morning Lily! Just been for a run it's a beautiful day, fancy heading for an ice cream later? Xoxoxo

Mum clears the table as I reply to the text.

To: Amy💛

- A run? This early? Who are you and what have you done with Amy? ;) I'll meet you in a hour at the park xxx

I thank mum for the breakfast and head upstairs to get ready to meet Amy.

I wash my face and brush my teeth. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and pull little bits down, to frame my face. Seeing as the sun has come out, I don't want my make up to drip down my face so I skip foundation and only put on concealer, waterproof mascara and a mango lip balm.

I put on a tartan t-shirt and some denim dungarees on top, once again I wear my white converse. I grab a pair of black ray bans and head out into the blazing sun.


Amy and I are sitting on the bench with our Mr whippy ice creams, enjoying the sun.

"Yesterday was fab wasn't it?" Amy asks me.

"Yeah it was. The boys are lovely"

"Yeah they are......Wait isn't that James?"

I look over to where she is pointing and spot him doing what looks like a work out circuit in the park.

"God he looks lush!"Amy says and I laugh ,hitting her in the arm.

I think she has a thing for him.

We both keep stating at James until someone jumps in front of us.

"Move out off the way!" Amy shrieks "Your blocking our view!"

She hasn't realised that it's Brad and I'm trying to hide my laughter. He then sits on my lap so I can't see either.

"Have I blocked your view Lily?" He says with a smirk.

"I wasn't looking" I protest.

"OK, I believe you ....... Oh look a flying pig!" He says pointing to the sky. I roll my eyes at him as Amy giggles.

"Do you want to play football?" He asks getting off my lap.

"I'm still eating my ice cream. I will in a sec" I reply.

"Times up!" He shouts. He takes my hand , I quickly give my ice cream to Amy who is laughing.

"Prepare to lose" I say to Brad.

"Never! I bet you a Nando's I will win!" He says doing a fist pump in the air.

"You, sir, are on!" I say shaking his hand.


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