Tradley Is Not Real

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Chapter 21

Lily's POV

I'm laying with Brad on the sofa in his lounge, obviously avoiding my house at all costs. If dad met Brad it would be world war 3, probably on Brad's behalf.

"Do you want to watch a film?" Brad asks wrapping a strand of my hair around his finger.

"Yeah sounds like a good idea, where do you keep your DVDs?" I ask getting up from the sofa. I accidentally lean my weight on Brad's arm and hand.

The one he had wrapped up in bandages from A&E.

He winces a little from the pain.

"Sorry Brad" I giggle trying not to burst out laughing.

"You're horrible you know that?" He says, sticking his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes at him and pick a DVD from the cupboard. I decide on 'Fight club'

I look over half way though the film to see Brad with his eyes are shut, sleeping softly. It's probably the pain killers he is on for his hand that's making him this tired, he doesn't normally fall asleep so easily. I take a picture on my phone of him and put it on twitter, he looks so cute. He will kill me when he wakes up and sees this.

@Lily_Jones- Sleeping beauty over here👑🙌

Whilst on my phone I realise that I have a text from Emily from about 5 minutes ago.

From: Emily 💖

- Hey Lily I was wondering if you aren't busy would you mind coming over to Amy's? I need your help with something, don't worry if you can't make it xxxxx

Brad looks unconscious so I think I can get away with giving Emily a quick phone call. It rings a few times before she picks up.

"Hiya Lily, how are you?" she asks, I can hear muffled talking in the background.

"I'm good thanks Emily, what do you need help with?"

"Well Tristan said we could go away for a few days so I was wondering if you could help me out, Amy's rubbish at this kind of thing" she says. I hear Amy whine next to her saying she won't help her anymore.

"And Amy's just walked off so I need you, if you're not busy" she laughs.

"Yeah I'm just at Brad's watching a film, he's asleep though"

"Oh yeah I saw your tweet, do the fans know your together yet because they know about James and Amy but they don't know about me and I didn't think they knew about you either"

"Oh....well they don't" I mumble

"I think they might know now" she giggles down the phone.

"Oh god, I completely forgot" I mutter

"Lily don't worry it's not like you've said you are going out with him, you could just be his friend. Anyway if people figure it out they shouldn't mind they are fine with Amy and James"

"Ok good point, I'll come round in a bit Emily"

"Alright see you then" she says hanging up.

I lightly shake Brad and his eyes slowly open.

"Brad I'm off to Amy's, Emily needs my help with something do you want to come?" I ask

"When are you leaving?" He asks sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Now?" I smile.

"Give me a few minutes" he laughs getting up from the sofa.


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