Mission Impossible

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Chapter 20

Lily's POV

Today it's the football game and I'm so nervous, I just hope that me and Brad can pull this off.

The plan : We are going to pretend that we have split up and hopefully Rachel and Tom with mention what they did at the party. Given it's not mission impossible but we need them to feel bad for what they said.

Everyone in the group knows that we are going to fake an argument and they know we are still together. They don't know why we are doing this but they don't need to know the lies that have been said about us.

"So for the argument" Brad begins "I've told Tris that he is going to act like a peace maker, sitting in the middle of us" He says as we all walk closer to the football stadium.

"Ok. Brad whatever I say about you in the argument, I 100% don't mean any of it. I'll just go with what sounds convincing"

"Lil don't worry I know, I'm the same. It's going to be weird fighting with you, saying things I don't mean"

"We have had some practice though" I laugh.

"Ready?" He asks.

"As I'll ever be" I say moving away from him and walk next to Emily and Amy, where as Brad is now walking with Tristan, Connor and James behind us.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Emily asks.

"What if Tom and Rachel don't believe it?" Amy asks.

"It's a risk we will have to take" I say. "They can't try and split us up and get away with it"

We walk into the stadium and I can see Tom and the other football players warming up for the match. I try and look for Rachel and I spot her sitting with a few friends. I give a look to the boys for them to follow us, so we can sit near her. We want her to have a front row seat for our 'argument'.

Tristan walks ahead and sits inbetween me and Brad. The game starts and Rachel moves to the row behind us. Thank god she's so noisy. We have planned an argument, hopefully it will work.

Tom is on the red team and the blue team are the ones they are playing against. The blue team score and Brad starts clapping and cheering.

"Brad you're so stupid, we are here to support the other team. Can't you ever get anything right?" I sigh.

"I want to support the blue team, just because your stupid ex is in the red team doesn't mean I have to support them" he says cheering again.

"Stop being so childish you prick" I say getting angry.

"Alright guys calm down. Don't want another argument do we?" Tristan says looking between me and Brad.

"Yeah Lily don't want another argument, you have a go at me all the time!"

"Are you serious? YOU are the one who is always staring an argument with me. I'm not the one who hits people"

"That's rich coming from you, you're such a slag"

"Brad that's a bit out of line" Tristan warns him.

"No actually it's not Tris. You don't know her like I do and believe you me she a dirty slut" Brad shouts and people start are looking.

I see that Rachel's eyes are staring at us. She won't be able to resist and will want to stick her ore in.

"See Brad this is why I can't do this anymore! All I want to do is watch a game of football but you turn it into a fight. Why would I want to date a stuck up, wannabe pop star?"

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