The Party

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Chapter 11

Emily, Amy and I had our last ever exam a few days ago. It was chemistry and the exam was awful. But never the less I don't have to sit an exam ever again, and that is a cause for celebration.

Tristan said he wouldn't mind having the party at his house seeing as it is the biggest. The party starts at 8:00pm but Emily, Amy and I are going round Tristan's earlier to get it ready. All the boys are out, something to do with their band they have. Their called The Vamps, which is such a cool name. Brad showed me some of their songs and gigs they have done in the past. I think they are amazing, I'm not being bias, they play instruments and write songs too.

I'm just hoovering the house, waiting for Amy to arrive, she's probably not letting James go until she has to, they are both so cute together.

"Lily!" Emily shouts "What colour cups should we have, red or blue?"

"Red I think, it doesn't really matter" I reply.

"So Emily, do you like any of the boys?"

"I like all of them, otherwise I wouldn't be friends with them. Duh" she says, rolling her eyes.

"I know that, I mean more than friends? I say raising my eyebrows.

"Well it's complicated. I have to admit I have feelings for Tristan....."

"That's great!"

"Yeah but I don't know if he feels the same way. And Connor has been really flirty recently and I don't want to hurt him by getting close to Tris. Oh my god this is sooooo confusing" she sighs, sitting on the sofa.

I have no idea what to say, but I try to help her out.

"Just see if you feel anything tonight, see how it goes, give it time and I'm sure you will see if Tris feels the same or Connor might stop being so flirty, it will work out in the end, don't worry"

"Thanks Lily, your right it's better to wait" We hug on the sofa until Amy bursts into the door, her arms filled with food and drink.

"Alright girlies?" She asks, her face a little red from carrying so much. We get up and help her with the things she is carrying and put them in the kitchen.

The boys will be back soon so we decide to get ready.

We all apply foundation,mascara, concealer, bronzer and a power to set everything in place. I go for a nude lipstick and I curl my hair.

Amy chooses a matte hot pink lipstick and has her hair in a high ponytail and Emily has a tinted light pink lip balm and her hair straightened.

I decide to wear floral shorts and a black top. Amy chooses a navy playsuit and Emily chooses black leggings with a long black top that has roses on. We blow up some balloons and put music on, when all the boys arrive.

"Let's get it started in ha, let's get it started in here!" Tristan shouts, running into the kitchen getting some drinks. Black eyed peas.

Oh my god, that boy is werid.

"Hey Lil" Brad says giving me a hug placing a light kiss on my lips "You look amazing" This makes me blush. He gave you a compliment Lily, calm yourself down!

"You don't look too bad yourself" I say winking at him. He's wearing black jeans with a black and white Fred Perry polo shirt tucked in. He grabs my hand and pulls me onto the sofa, when Tristan comes in with some odd looking drinks. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"What on earth have you made?"

"It's a secret recipe, but you'll love it!"

We all grab a glass and down this vile liquid. I look at the girls and we all pull the same discussed face.

It's Fate (Brad Simpson & The Vamps Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt