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Levi pov..

"Hanji shouldn't you be at a meeting with Ewrin?" I asked harshly.

"Oh yea! I forgot about that! Thanks Levi!" Hanji grinned and ran out the door.

"Levi..." Mikasa said dully.

I turned to face her.

"Levi. I'm going to go take a nap....." I walked to her and kissed her lips gently.

"Ok sweetie." I said softly.

She wen in the room and closed the door.

"Sooooo I see you REALLY love her." Eren said wiggling his brows.

"Yea Yeager." I said a form of pink on my cheeks.

"What?! Levi blushing?! Wow I didn't expect that." Eren said laughing.

"Shut up brat!"

"Hey it's not my fault you're blushing."

"Tch." I clicked my tongue.

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