New Life!

557 19 4

Mikasa pov..
I stared at myself in the mirror with a pale look on my face.

"Ackerman come here please." Levi called from the living room.

I stood there frozen.

"C-com-coming!" I said shaking.

I walked slowly to the door and placed my fingers around the knob.

'How is he going to react? What is he going to say? No matter what I'm gonna have to keep my guard up!' I opened the door slowly taking in each sound the door was making.

"Oi! What's with the look?" He asked.

"Levi. I-it's nothing. Don't worry about it." I said and turned my head away from him.

I don't want to look at him now... But I might as well because this might be the last time I see him.

I looked at him and saw shock in his eyes.

"Levi.... I'm pregnant." I said calmly.

"Really?! Wow. Well cadet looks like we formed a family huh? This is gonna a be interesting. besides he or she will take after one of us." He said chuckling.

"So you're not mad?"

"Cadet answer this.. Why would take my 'Christmas gift' knowing that it would form a family? Of course I'm not mad."

He placed his hand on my cheek.

I felt a tear forming...

"Levi." I was cut off when he brushed his lips against mine.~

A\N: Awwweeeee how cute!!!😍😍😍😍 LEVI IS GONNA BE A DADDY!!!
Levi: Damn this is gonna mean more cleaning. I gotta get some extra lemon wipes!😰

Mikasa: Levi calm down! It's gonna be ok. Besides the baby will keep you awake so you don't fall asleep while you're cleaning!😝


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