Chapter 40: Merry Christmas!

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A\N: Isn't this picture cute?!?

Levi P.O.V.

I washed the pot out as mikasa held Lemika. Staring at me.

"Oi Ackerman. Are you ok? You on some stuff or something?" I asked.

"I'm fine honey. Just that I can't get enough of well...never mind. You look cute." She said quietly.

"Hm? Is that so?" I said softly.

Mikasa P.O.V (Finally XD)

I stood there silent and just nodded my head.

I just can't get enough of his damn sexiness...I thought feeling my face burn.

Lemika cooed and began to try to grab my hair. Fortunately for me my hair was short, but however is trying to grow back long soon.

I looked down at my baby girl and couldn't resist but chuckle about how she was really trying.

Just like her father. And also like me. She keeps trying...takes so well after her parents.

Just then my phone rang and it was Sasha.

Reluctantly, I slowly answered it.

"Hello?" I said slowly.

"Helloooo Mikasa!" Sasha said excited.

"What's up?" I replied dryly. For some odd reason I get the feeling Sasha eating bacon or something.

Lemika soon started to coo more louder. She must want attention.

"Omg! Is that Lemika?! My wittle niece?" Sasha squealed. I sighed slowly moving some hair out of your face.

"Yeah this Lemika. You wanna talk to her?" I asked looking at Lemika.

"Pweeaaasseee?" Sasha babbled with a mouth full. Well it sounded like a mouth full.

"Here lemika. Say hello to Sasha." I cooed. She just stared at the phone before making cooing noises.

"Yeah I know right girl?" Sasha replied like she actually understood what Lemika was saying.

I chuckled quietly at the sight and heard noises from the kitchen. Levi must be frying rice by now.

"Sooooo lemikaaaaa have you been a good girl?" Sasha asked on the other line.

Levi P.O.V.

"We having company. You know possibly Ewrin and shitty glasses." I told mikasa. She only nodded in response.

"So they called and said they was on their way?" She asked. Her hands slid around my waist, resting above my torso.

Blushing lightly I turned towards her. Our noses only inches apart. I caught her blushing in a flushed way.

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