Hanji & Ewrin Part 1

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Ewrin P.O.V

What in the hell?


"Ewrin I'm pregnant!"


"Ewrin you're going to be a daddy!"

~~~~~End of flashback~~~~

"Ha-Hanji please tell me that you're joking." I asked shakily.

"Nope! It was a positive!" She beamed.

I looked outside from our living room window and sighed.

"Ewrin aren't you excited?" Hanji asked curious.


"Well I know this is big shock for you. It is for me too." She said quietly.

I nodded my head unsure of what to say, and walked to my office solemnly.

Closing the door behind me I took a deep breath, taking in the new information. I'm not sure how I should feel about this.

I'm head of the survey corps and then later on finds out that I'm going to be a daddy?!

Hanji P.O.V

I seriously get the feeling that Ewrin doesn't want to be the father. But it's his child too!

What's one good damn reason he wouldn't want to be the father?!

Yet at the same time, I shouldn't be angry at him if doesn't want to.

Of course I would be extremly hurt.

I don't know how long it's going to take fpr him to make his decision, but I hope it will be time worthy.

"Please make the right choice." I whispered to myself.

I tried holding back the tears that so badly wanted to fall.

No I can't let it end like this.

I will just have to wait and see what he says.

For a head leader in the survey corps to find out he's a father, I think I could understand a little from his point of view.
~~~~~~~~~~TO BE CONTINUED~~~~~~~


Alright! Another chapter in! Wooohoooo!👏👏👏👏💯

So tell me what did you think of this chapter?

Will Ewrin take in the fatherly role?


Will he stick to leader of Survey Corps?

Hmmmm there will be a part 2 next chapter!

The time in that one will be sped up little.

So when they're preparing for their expedition, that is when WE FIND OUT EWRIN'S DECISION!!!👏🆗

Also please excuse the picture for this chapter! I didn't have much hanji x ewrin pictures and didn't really feel like getting some soo yeaaa.

Until next chapter!


(P.S. I'm soo used to putting my old user name!😂😭)

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