"Ya." She said.

"Okay, here goes nothing," I whispered and blew out a long breath before knocking the door couple of times. I glanced at Kathie to see she was also looking at the door. I waited for a few seconds but, he didn't answer the door.

"Mr. Harrison, can I come in?" I asked out loud while knocking on his door again. I waited for a few seconds and again knocked at the door – more loudly this time. He was making me worried now. "Mr. Harrison, I am coming in," I announced and paused for a moment before slowly opening the door.

The room was in total darkness. The window of his room was covered with thick curtains – stopping the sunlight to enter the room. I stepped into the room cautiously, "Mr. Harrison?" I called out his name but, I got no reply from him. I could see the bed from the light coming out of the room and it was empty – the comforter and pillows were messily lying on the bed, indicating that Marcus was indeed laying here. I could hear retching sounds coming from the bathroom – indicating that Marcus was vomiting – again.

"Boo Boo." Kathie shrieked as we walked further into the room. She was afraid of the dark as she was clutching my shirt in her fist tightly. Before I could say something to Kathie the door of the bathroom opened revealing a tall figure of Marcus.

He saw both of us standing in front of him and paused, "What are you doing here?" he asked weakly. I have never heard him talking in such a frail tone. "And why do you have Su with you? Take her away from me – she'll get sick as well." He instructed while pointing his finger towards the slightly opened door of his bedroom.

"Uh – Mr. Harrison, the maid told me that you were sick so, I thought that maybe you might need some help," I explained.

I couldn't see his face clearly because of the darkness – but, I am pretty sure that he was looking at me, "If I need some help – I will ask the maid. Now please take her out of here before she catches it too." He repeated and slowly walked towards his bed.

I frowned, "But you look sick, Mr. Harrison." I said.

"Just go." He said before lying on his bed and covering his whole body with the comforter. I looked at him and then looked at Kathie who was also looking towards the door, "I said something to you, Miss McGill." He said loudly.

"I – uh – okay," I said dejectedly before stepping towards the door. I did just what he said – I left the room but, not before glancing at him.

For the next few hours, I couldn't stop thinking about Marcus. My heart twisted as I realize that he has no one with him except for Penny to look after him. Unfortunately, Penny's daughter-in-law is very sick and there is no one to take care of her child so, she had to take off today. I wanted to help him – I do but, he just doesn't let me. I even thought about calling Silas or Joe but, I decided not to do it. I don't want to take any such step without Marcus's approval – I don't want him to get mad at me.

"Is she asleep?" Lily whispered as she quietly entered the room. I twirled my head and nodded my head while I was still patting her back as she peacefully sleeps. "Lunch is ready. You should come and eat." She added.

I turned around and stepped nearer to Lily, "Did Marcus eat?" I asked her.

She sighed and shook her head, "I took lunch to his room but, he said that he isn't hungry yet." She replied, "I especially made chicken and vegetable soup for him but, he refused to eat." She added.

"Did he eat anything for breakfast?" I questioned her.

She again shook her head, "No, he didn't. He just asked for water – that's it." She replied.

This guy is going to make him even sicker, "That's it – Lily, can you please fix a bowl of soup for Marcus?" I asked her as I walked out of Kathie's room.

Lily frowned and followed me, "Uh – but, he said that he doesn't want to eat." She hesitated.

I shook my head, "He will eat – just get him some soup, please. And would you please bring it to his room?" I asked her politely. She smiled and nodded before walking downstairs.

I drew in a deep breath and swiftly walked towards his room – which was just a few steps away. I am determined to make him eat – I don't care if scold or fire me. Kathie need's his father to be healthy, right?

"Mr. Harrison, I am coming in," I announced after knocking at his door. I didn't wait for his reply and opened the door. He was still lying on the bed with a comforter covering his body. I mashed my lips and walked nearer to him, "Mr. Harrison?" I called out his name but, he didn't reply – maybe he was sleeping.

"Mr. Harrison, you need to –"

"Why are you here? Please go away." He interrupted me weakly.

I rolled my eyes, "I am not going anywhere." I said sternly and walked towards the window and pushed curtains aside – welcoming the warmth of the sun in the room. His room was a complete mess. There were some files carelessly lying on the floor along with some empty beer bottles. Two of the pillows were on the floor as well. Also, his comforter was half dangling from the side of the bed.

He groaned and covered his face with his comforter, "I said go!" he scolded.

I walked nearer to him and pull the comforter off his face. He flinched and covered his face with his hands, "And I said no." I replied. This bravery will cost me later but, I had to look after him now or else he'll make himself even sicker.

He looked tired and ailing. His hair was a complete mess. He was wearing a grey t-shirt that was slightly wet from the sweat. He uncovered his face and slowly opened his eyes – they were bloodshot, also his forehead was covered with sweat. He looked blanched. "Marcus, what happened to you?" I whispered in concern and put my hand on his wet forehead to realize that he had a fever. "You are burning, Marcus. You need to see the doctor now." I said anxiously.

He removed my hand from his forehead and moved his head away, "I am okay – it is just stomach flu." He said.

Just then I heard a knock on the door. I twirled around to see Lily holding a tray with a bowl of soup in it. I smiled, "Thank you, Lily. Please put it on the table." I said to her. She nodded and put the tray on the table before quietly walking out of the room. I turned back to see Marcus looking at me, "You need to eat." I said to him and hold his sturdy arm to help him lift. Marcus was unresponsive so – I rolled my eyes, "I am not leaving so, it is better if you co-operate." I told him. He kept staring at me for few seconds before sighing and sitting up on the bed without letting me help him.

I smiled, "Thank you." I said and walked to get the tray from the table.

I heard him clear his throat, "I don't think I can eat." He said.

I frowned and picked up the tray and walked nearer to him, "And why is that?" I asked.

"I have been vomiting all night. I can hardly digest water right now." He answered and rested his head back.

I sighed, "Did you take any medicine?" I asked.

He weakly shook his head, "No." he replied.

"Then, you have to eat something so that you can take some medicine and if it doesn't work either then we are going to doctor," I replied and sat near him with the tray resting on my lap.

Marcus glanced towards the soup and then looked at me, "You don't have to do this." He said. "I can take care of myself." He added.

I chuckled, "Yeah, you have been doing a splendid job so far." I said sarcastically.

Marcus narrowed his eyes, "What does that mean?" he asked.

I mashed my lip and shook my head. "Nothing – Now please eat, Mr. Harrison," I said and put the tray on his lap. "Do you want me to help you eat?" I asked. He glanced at me and shook his head. "Okay, then eat this while I get some medicine for you," I said.

He sighed and looked at the bowl of soup before frowning and passing me the tray back, "I am not having this soup." He said sternly.

I frowned, "Why? What's wrong with it?" I asked while looking at the bowl. Everything looked okay to me.

"It has peas in it." He said as his nose crinkled.

"What's wrong with peas?" I asked.

"I hate peas." He replied.

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