"You should complete your work. I will look after Kathryn till then." I offered.

"No, Miss McGill – you don't have to. Now that I am home, I can take care of my daughter. You should go home and rest – I think that was enough for you for a day." He politely declined my offer. I smiled and nodded my head – yes, I was tired but – I could look after Kathie for an hour or so. I didn't press it – and anyways I could use some early sleep because it isn't easy to take care of a child as active as Kathryn.

"Okay." I nodded my head.

"And Miss McGill?" he called out my name as I turned around to collect my belongings from the couch. I twirled my head to see him, "Please don't clean Kathie's room again – it isn't your job. Some helpers can do that for you, ask them next time." He said.

A smile form on my face, "All right." I nodded my head.

"Davis is downstairs. He must be waiting for you – I will see you tomorrow. Goodbye, Miss McGill" He bid his farewell and walked back to Kathie's room.

"Goodbye," I mumbled when he was gone. I sighed, picked up my purse, and left the penthouse.

The ride back to my apartment was quiet of course. To my home – I only thought about my conversation with Marcus at his penthouse. It was the first actual civil talk between us since we've met. I am slowly starting to believe Maria – maybe Marcus isn't that bad – keyword 'slowly'.

After returning home – I took a long shower. I smelled like baby powder and food. After changing into my night-wear I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to find something to eat – I was starving. I know it is too soon to wear the night-clothes, but it isn't like anyone's coming to see me or something. There was a container with a note over it – I fetch it out to see what it was. It was lasagna – my favorite. I smiled and read the stick note on the box.

'I know you must be hungry and tired, so I made lasagna! I will talk to you tomorrow. M' the note said. I have the best 'best friend' in the world. I don't know what I would have done without her.

I also noticed the cake was gone. Maria must have eaten it all. I chuckled and heat the lasagna. I also noticed that there were two plates, two forks, and two glasses on the side of the sink – all were washed not too long ago. Maria must have washed them after eating – with someone. Silas did come here – I know he would. That guy can hardly breathe without Maria.

I smirked and went to my room to fetch my cell phone that was resting on the side-table. I picked it up and typed a text message for Maria.

'I see you had a company. By the way, I love you for the lasagna! I was so tired to cook, really.' I sent her the message and walked out of my room with my phone in my hand.

I served myself a chunk of lasagna with a cold can of Pepsi and went to the lounge. I have to watch television when I am eating – I hate to eat alone. I either want some company or television – or else I will not eat. I, even sometimes switch on the television for no reason when I am alone or when I am doing household chores, it makes me feel less – alone.

As a settle on the couch – in front of my television set – my cell phone beeped. I unlocked it to see a text message from Maria. We talked through messages – while I ate the delicious lasagna that Maria made. Maria used to cook even better before the accident – now that she's on crutches, she feels uncomfortable while doing anything. We are just sisters – she asked me how my day was and I told her everything the happened today.

'Next time when Marcus does something like that again, just tell me. I will kick his ass!' I laughed at her reply. I know she can do that – and honestly, I don't think that Marcus would mind either. Marcus adores Maria – he is more brotherly to her than her brother, Leo.

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