"Yeah, I know. You'll have to do the usual. One important thing, act nicely in front of them. They are our most important customers." He said to me. I nodded my head.

I had a question in my mind. I mashed my lips together, I don't know if I should ask him. "Ask it." I look up to see Mason's amused expression. I frowned but, he chuckled. "Ask what you want to ask." My cheeks warmed up. I'm an open book.

"I've never seen any customers going upstairs. Only servers go there, why is that?" I asked him.

"Because there's another door for the VIP customers. It opens in the parking lot." He answered.

Oh, that's the door for the VIP section? I thought it was some luxurious club or something.

I nodded my head and smiled, "Oh okay. Thanks for telling me, Mason." I replied. He winked and pointed towards the stairs that lead towards the VIP section. I only nodded my head and made my way up.

There was a big door in front of me, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a few seconds a boy, of the same age as mine or maybe older, opened the door, he was also wearing the uniform. "Yes?" He asked.

"Hi, uh- I'm covering for Hailey tonight," I informed him.

"Oh! Come on, in." He smiled and opened the door wider for me to enter. I mumbled a low 'thank you' and got it.

It was a break room, only a little bigger. I sighed as I saw no one was there except for the boy and I. I turned around to face the boy, who was combing his hair while mumbling some song under his breath. I didn't want to disturb him, so I just looked at myself in the mirror- my hair was a little out of the place, after fixing them. I gave myself an approving smile and walked out of the break room and entered in the VIP section.

"Wow," I muttered under my breath. I was stunned to see the surroundings. The place looked magnificent with grey, white and black theme. The environment was peaceful, I could hear low mumbles and clink of glasses. There weren't many people around, those who were present looked like elites.

"Are you covering for Hailey, tonight?" A bored voice captured my attention.

I turned around to see a middle-aged woman, in a bright red dress. She had an annoying expression on her face, "Uh- yes." I replied short. She sighed heavily and rolled her eyes.

I frowned at her weird attitude towards me, she must've noticed my discomfort, therefore, her expression softens. "It not you, love. Hailey is crossing her lines. On Wednesdays and Thursdays, she had a duty at the VIP section, and this is her fourth shift that someone else is doing for her." She explained, "Anyways, what's your name?" She asked.

"Charlotte," I replied.

She nodded her head, "All right, Charlotte. I'm Tesla Marv. I manage the VIP section." She smiled softly.

I smiled back, "Nice you meet you." I said softly.

"You don't know that yet." She humored. "Anyways, start taking orders. I'll check on you in a few minutes." She instructed while handing me a grey notepad and a fountain pen.

At the start I was nervous but, after interacting with few customers I loosen up a bit. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I was enjoying it, no one was passing dirty comments at me, no one missed behaved with me.

"Here you go, Ma'am. Anything else?" I asked with a constant smile pasted on my face.

"No, thank you." The lady politely denied. I only nodded and made my way to the bar. I sighed and placed my notepad on the counter. There was no one left whose orders weren't taken, I twirl my head to see if anyone wanted my assistance - but, everything was good.

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