"You zoned out. I've been calling you for a while. You don't have to daydream about me when I'm here, sweet pie." Joe smirked.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "You are so full of yourself," I commented.

"That I am." He replied proudly. In reply, I just shook my head.

"Excuse me, ma'am." I twirl my head to see a woman- a woman maybe in her fifties, in a black below-knee fitted skirt and white shirt. She offered a sweet smile, which I returned. She then looked towards Joe and grinned, "Hello, there." She greeted him.

"Hey, Penelope! My favorite lady! How are you?" Joe hugged the lady. She chuckled and tapped his back.

"I'm good, Joe. How are you and where is Ben?" She pulled apart and looked around.

"Oh, he didn't come. Busy." He shrugged, "And, I'm great- as always." He winked.

"Oh, I was looking forward to meeting him. Anyways, it's good to have you here, Joe. You always fill life in this house." She smiled and traced her hand over his shoulder, "Oh, so rude of me!" She exclaimed and looked at, "Is she your girlfriend, Joseph?" Penelope asked.


"I wish." Joseph and I said at the same time. Penelope chuckled and playfully slapped his arm.

"No, we are not dating. I'm here with Maria. I'm her friend, Charlotte. You can call me Charlie." I explained. This whole time, Joe was smirking like an idiot.

"Well, hello Charlie. I'm Penelope. I'm a maid here." She introduced herself to me.

"Caretaker." A voice said from my behind. I look around to see Marcus, standing with his hands in his pocket. Where is Kathryn? I thought, "You are not a maid, Penny. You are a caretaker of my house." He said sternly.

Penny chuckled, "Sorry, dear. Yes, I'm a caretaker of his house." She corrected herself. I smiled at her, but soon my eyes were wandering around to see where Kath was. I sighed and looked behind me to see that Marcus was already gone. Strange.

"Anyways, dinner's ready. Please come this way, honey." She said while pointing her hand towards the dining table full of food.

"Ooh! Food!" Joe said and rushed towards the table. I giggled and rolled my eyes. He doesn't act like a grown-up at all.

"Come on, honey." Penny again said.

"Uh- can I please use the washroom first?" I asked her politely.

"Oh yes! Sure come, let me show you." Penny suggested.

"Oh no, it's okay. I'll find it. Just direct me towards it" I asked.

"Are you sure, dear?" She asked.

"Definitely," I replied.

"You can use the guestroom's washroom. It's the second room from the left." She pointed towards the series of rooms upstairs. I smiled and nodded. After thanking her, I made my way towards the guestroom.

My mind was still on Kathryn, I can't believe I'm at her place and yet, I haven't held her. Maybe Marcus hides her somewhere, maybe he doesn't want me to be with his daughter. That's stupid, Marcus isn't like that, now is he? Why am I even thinking that? I shook my head to shoo away all the stupid thoughts I was having.

I climb up the stairs and looked for the guestroom. Okay? So, which one is the guest room? There were three rooms in front of me, the middle one is not the guestroom, for sure. So, which one is it? Left or right? Damn it! What did Penny say? Left or right? I should've heard her carefully. Dammit! I have pee so bad! Decide now, Left? Right? Left? Right?!

All right Charlie, count till three and enter in a room your instinct tells you to. Okay? All right! 1-2--- 3!

I took a deep breath and entered a room my instinct told me to. As I entered the room, I was welcomed by the darkness. Okay, so this has to be the guestroom, well - no one's here. Yay to my instinct!

My eyes searched for the bathroom, I saw two doors in front of me. I rushed towards the door to the left and almost danced in joy. I found it! It wasn't that hard, I thought and lock the door behind me, after peeing and washing my hands, I looked around- this bathroom's awfully large- and it smells nice too, I could live in it. Who needs a bathroom this big? Not me, I'm okay with my teeny tiny one.

To my left there was a full-length mirror, for a few seconds I kept looking at my reflection. Hmm, I don't look bad. I smiled proudly.

"Oh! Everyone must be waiting for me at dinner." I whispered to myself. Not wanting to keep them hanging any longer, I fixed my dress and exited the bathroom.

I gasped as soon as I stepped out. I put my hand on my mouth, "This isn't the guestroom, is it?" I whispered loud enough to be heard.

"No, it isn't." Shirtless Marcus replied, and slightly shook his head. How didn't I see him there? Maybe because, he's standing at the corner- in the dark.

Damn you my instinct!

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