I cut Tony off, not wanting to hear it.

"Sometimes there isn't a way out, Tony."

"Right. How did that work for him?" Tony asked, and I looked at my hands, then back at the empty cell, closing my mouth.

"Is this the first time you've lost a soldier?" Steve asked, but Tony glared at him.

"We are not soldiers." He spat, walking up to us.

"I am not marching to Fury's fife!" He exclaimed, but Steve looked agitated.

If they start fighting again, I don't know what I'll do.

"Neither am I! He's got the same blood on his hands as Loki does." Steve said, and I sighed.

"Right now we need to put that aside and get this done." I said, and Steve nodded as we began walking out of the roo.

"Now Loki needs a power source, if we can put together a list-" Steve began, but Tony cut him off.

"He made it personal."

"That's not the point." I said, and Tony looked annoyed.

"That is the point. That's Loki's point. He hit us all right where we live. Why?" Tony ranted, and Steve looked in thought.

"To tear us apart."

"He had to conquer his greed, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right?" Tony asked, and I nodded.

"That's what he wants." I agreed, gulping.

"He wants to beat us and he wants to be seen doing it. He wants an audience."

"Right." Steve nodded, turning to look at me.

"I caught his act at Stuttengard."

"Yeah. That's just a preview, this is opening night. Loki's a full-tilt diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, he wants a monument built in the skies with his name plastered-" Tony began ranting, but paused, looking both frustrated, and surprised.

"Son of a bitch!"

"What?" I asked, and Tony looked annoyed.

"Loki is going to my tower."

"Well go there." Steve said, and we walked back to the meeting room.

"Distract him. Hold him off until the rest of us get there."

"Roger that." Tony smirked, suiting up and flying out of the hellicarrier before we could say anything.

"That man is crazy." I muttered, and Steve chuckled, looking at me.

"Not as crazy as some of the things I've seen."

"Steve, I'm from another planet." I laughed, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"You haven't seen weirder than me."

"If you're the weirdest thing to happen to me, I would be a happy man." Steve chuckled, and quickly stopped, blushing.

"That is very sweet of you." I smiled, taking my hand off his shoulder.

"If this is the worst thing to happen on Midgard, I would have nothing to complain about, either." I smiled, and Steve blushed a little bit.

"I better go uh, get changed." Steve said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'll wait here." I smiled, and he nodded, quickly walking out of the room.

He walked back in a few moments later, wearing his full Captain America uniform, and I smiled at him.

"You look awfully patriotic." I chuckled, and he joined in.

"You look awfully fancy." He said, and I bowed.

"A princess must look her best." I grinned, making Steve smile.

"You look lovely."

Before I could say anything, Natasha walked in, wearing her leather get up.

"Time to go." I smiled, but Natasha looked confused.

"Go where?" She asked, but Steve just looked at her with a blank expression.

"I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" He asked, but Clint Barton walked into the room, wiping his hands on his sleeves.

"I can."

I gave him a weary look, but Steve gave me a reassuring nod, and I relaxed my shoulders a little.

"We haven't met yet, I'm Clint."

"I'm Aurora. It's nice to see you, more yourself." I said, and he nodded, while Steve looked between Natasha and Clint.

"You got a suit?" Steve asked, and Clint nodded.


"Then suit up."

We gave Clint a moment to get his gear sorted out, and we began making our way to a small plane, but got stopped by a young looking pilot, who stood in our way, looking agitated.

"You are not authorized to be here-"

"Son, just don't."

The pilot gave us a small nod, moving to the side and allowing us to step onto the quinjet, while Clint buckled himself in the front seat.

"All good to go?" He asked, and I nodded, strapping myself in after watching how Steve did it, and we took off.

"So, how old are you?" Natasha asked, and I shrugged.

"Two thousand years old, give or take a few years." I smiled, and Steve choked on his saliva.

"I thought I was old, and I'm one hundred." He chuckled, and I shrugged.

"You have a long way to go then, Steve."

"You got eyes on them?" Clint called back to us, and I looked out the window to see Tony and Loki, having a heated conversation.

"I see them." I answered, keeping my eyes on my adopted brother, as Clint began firing the weapons attached to the quinjet, straight at Loki's scepter.

Loki looked at me, surprise written on his features, and aimed his scepter at us.

He wouldn't kill me, would he?

Before I could react, he fired the scepter at us, the blast of energy setting the quinjet ablaze, and through the smoke, I noticed Thor tackle Loki, the two falling hard.

"Thor!" I screamed, wanting him to see me, but Steve grabbed my hand, drawing my attention away from my brothers.

"Let's go!" Steve yelled, unbuckling my seatbelt, grabbing my waist, and jumping out of the jet, holding his shield underneath us.

What a heroic man.

We landed on a crowded street, and I immediately stood up, brushing the debris off my dress.

"That was awfully brave of you." I said, and Steve chuckled, standing up.


Natasha and Clint jogged over to us, and I breathed a sigh of relief, noticing they were unharmed.


Before I could say anything to the trio standing in front of me, everything went silent.

The screaming stopped.

The roaring ceased.

The streets became still.

The four of us traded confused looks, until I heard a defeaning roar from the hole in the sky.

"What the hell is that?" Natasha asked, and I watched a leviathan exit the portal, collapsing buildings on his journey down.

"The Chitauri." I responded, and we watched in horror as the army descended into New York, wielding weapons and looking hungry for blood.

This can't end well.

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