Information About This Omega Verse

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I'm telling you guys now, don't read this story if you don't like LGBTQ+ themes, same-sex intercourse, sex in general, or anything else in this book that is R-18. I'll be sure to notify you guys if anything spicy does come up. You've been warned.

Everyone grows to develop two genders. At birth, everyone is labeled with their first gender but the second one is only clear after puberty, so check-ups are a necessity at that point in time. Verse types/second genders are NOT hereditary (like blood types are). They can be just as random as first genders.

The standard human being is what we would call a beta in this world. They are average people with normal parts and senses. Betas make up roughly 70% of the population.

The elite, gifted people often turn out to be alphas. These people have heightened senses, tend to be very attractive, and males have a higher imsemination rate of getting their partner pregnant. They also naturally have leaner, built bodies. Alphas are known to be territorial as well, so infighting is an often occurrence. Alphas make up 15% of the population.

The more subtly gifted humans are known as omegas. These people have been given the ability to conceive regardless of gender, however, males are very rare. Omegas also go through heat quarterly for a few days. During this time, they leak pheromones that attract alphas and betas. Omegas make up 15% of the population as well.

An alpha biting an omega's nape is what forms a bond between the two. This kind of pairing is only possible between these two verses because alphas can secrete a substance from their canine teeth and it marks their partner. After the pairing is in place, the alpha is the only person who can be affected by their omega's pheromones. Additionally, any other person's smell will not have much affect on a paired alpha.

Because pheromones affect everyone to some degree, most companies and schools require their members to get a shot yearly. This shot reduces the strength of pheromones and the reaction to them; it  has varying effectiveness depending on an individual. There are other countermeasures to prevent omegas from being attacked which included: alarms, anti-pheromone spray, neck guards, and similar tools. Laws have also been set in place as well.

Something to keep in mind is that humans have not finished evolving at this point. There are changes still occurring and prejudices that EVERY verse deals with and that is what this book is about!

Alpha girls=chicks w dicks
Omega boys=dudes w wombs
Everyone is just super horny.

Please enjoy reading! This book will be super long. If you're not into that, this may not be the story for you. (But I really hope it is!)

Main story will begin 5/20/21! Hope to see you then!

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