make em wanna change

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I was woken up by the smell of bacon and biscuits filling Caroline's apartment. I rolled over to check the time on my phone and saw that it was a little past 8. I threw the covers off of me and grabbed my shorts from the chair that sat in the corner of Caroline's room before going downstairs to the kitchen.

I smiled when I saw Caroline standing at the stove with her back to me. Eric Church was playing softly through her Alexa and she was humming along, swaying her hips as she flipped over some bacon. Chief was right next to her, sitting patiently, and hoping for some scraps. I walked up behind her and snaked my arms around her waist as I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck, placing kisses along her shoulder.

"Good morning beautiful," I hummed.

"Good morning handsome," Caroline smiled as she turned toward me and placed a quick, but sweet, kiss on my lips.

"You should've woken me up so I could help you," I said as I bent down to tell Chief good morning. I stood back up and grabbed two plates out of the cabinet.

"I was going to, but you looked so peaceful, so I didn't want to wake you. Besides, you're gonna need a lot of energy to keep up with Elijah and Ella all day."

"Fair enough," I chuckled. "I'll do the dishes then once we're done eating."

"Deal." Caroline placed some bacon and a biscuit on our plates while I poured each of us a cup of coffee. "Cre-"

"Cream and two sugars." I interrupted Caroline with a cheeky smile. She nodded her head, smiling as she sat our plates down on the island. She quickly fixed an egg for Chief and put it in his bowl before sitting down. I finished fixing our coffees and joined Caroline at the island, handing her her cup. We cheersed and took a sip of our coffee.

"Perfect," Caroline sighed as she sat her cup down.

"What time are the kids coming over today?"

"Charlotte and Sav said they'd bring them around 10. I was thinking we'd hang out here for a little while, let them play with Chief and watch some TV, and then take them to Chick-fil-A for lunch and then go to the Children's Museum until it's time to take them back home."

"Sounds good to me," I smiled. "You know, I've lived in Georgia almost my entire life and I don't think I've ever been to the Children's Museum."

"My parents used to take us all the time when I was younger, especially if we had done good in school. You're gonna love it."

Once we had finished eating, I held up my end of the bargain and did the dishes while Caroline got ready for the day. I finished the dishes and went out in the backyard with Chief to let him do his business and run around a little bit.

"He usually doesn't take to people as quickly as he's taken to you," I heard a sweet voice say behind me. I turned around and smiled when I saw Caroline standing in the doorway. She was wearing ripped jeans, that fit her very nicely if I do say so myself, and one of my racing t-shirts with a pair of Air Force Ones. Her naturally wavy blonde hair was straightened, and she had a very small amount of makeup on.

Caroline never fails to take my breath away any time that I look at her. She's so beautiful.

"He's a big ole teddy bear," I said, throwing the ball for Chief to catch. Caroline walked over to my side and intertwined our fingers as she laid her head on my shoulder. Chief came back with the ball in his mouth, looking up at Caroline and I. Caroline took the ball out of Chief's mouth and threw it out again.

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