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"Good morning lovebirds," Ryan smirked as Caroline and I walked towards the table where everyone was sitting.

"What's with the smirk?" Caroline laughed as we sat down.

"Oh nothing," Ryan smirked again. "Did y'all have a good night last night?"

"We sure did," I smirked back at Ryan, knowing what he was talking about.

"Y'all are wild," Erin laughed.

"What can I get y'all to drink?" the waitress asked.

"I'll just have a water," Caroline softly smiled up at her.

"I'll take a water as well," I said.

The waitress walked back towards the kitchen and a few minutes later was walking back with our drinks in hand. When she came back, we all ordered our meals and she retreated back to the kitchen.

"What have y'all thought about Champion's Week?" Amanda asked Caroline and Gianna.

"It's been so fun," Caroline beamed.

"I've loved every second of it," Gianna added.

Champion's Week officially started two days ago but our whole group came down a few days before to have some off time and do whatever we wanted without having a schedule.

We've been going nonstop since the week's activities actually started. Tuesday night we had NASCAR Night at the Opry and then Wednesday night was Burnouts on Broadway. I've had autograph sessions, Fan Fest, and media interviews thrown in between everything.

Tonight marks the end of the week, and the end of the season, with the NASCAR Awards.

I love being able to celebrate this great sport with everyone who has made and is currently making an impact.

Caroline has been such a trooper through everything and has been coming to most of the events with me, unless her and the girls had other plans already made. She fits in so well and everyone loves her.

I mean, it's hard not to love her.

"When do y'all have to start getting ready for tonight?" Erin asked Caroline as the waitress took our plates away.

"I think later this afternoon!"

"Perfect! We should go walk down Broadway and go to the shops!"

"I'm down!"

"Us too!" Gianna and Amanda said.

"Boys, we're going shopping!" Erin squealed.

"Yay," we all cheered unenthusiastically.

Four hours later, we were still out shopping - well the girls were shopping and us guys were just standing outside of the stores, talking.

"I've been, uh, thinking about asking Caroline to marry me," I whispered, looking around to make sure Caroline wasn't around.

"Really?" the guys asked excitedly.

"Yeah! Obviously, it'll be a while before I ask but I've really been thinking about it a lot recently."

"Ole Clyde's gonna get hitched!" Ryan screamed.

"Would you shut up?" I smacked Ryan's arm. "I haven't asked her yet."

"That's exciting man, I'm happy for ya," Willie said, patting my shoulder.

"Thank you."

"Carol and Clyde are gonna get married!" Ryan singsonged, as he danced like a drunk outside of the store. I laughed as I rolled my eyes at my best friend.

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