probably wouldn't be this way

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"What the hell am I getting myself into?" I asked myself as I looked my outfit over in the full-length mirror that sat in my bedroom.

After a few hours of rummaging through my closet, I had finally decided on an olive green, spaghetti-strap blouse that I had gotten from the boutique, my favorite pair of black jeans, and some black shoes with a small heel. I had curled my medium-length blonde hair and pulled it back into a low ponytail.

"Everything is going to be fine. You are going to be fine. It's just one date." I said, trying to calm myself down.

I had gotten a text from Haley this morning giving me all the details about the date that I was going on with this guy Clyde. Getting ready for this date, and being as nervous as I am, reminded me of mine and Spencer's first date ten years ago.

We were freshmen in high school, and it was a few weeks away from homecoming. Neither of us could drive so our parents drove us to the movie theater in town and dropped us off. I remember being so nervous before the date but as soon I got to the movie theater and saw him, all those nerves were replaced with butterflies. He was the perfect gentleman; opening all the doors, letting me pick out the movie we saw, and paying for my ticket, the popcorn, and the sodas. After the movie, we walked to the ice cream parlor, which was a few blocks away, and got to know each other better. Before our parents came to pick us up, he kissed me for the first time, and I remember feeling like a giddy school girl. I never knew that that one night would change my entire life.

Once I finally got the courage to move from where I was standing in front of the mirror, I grabbed my black leather jacket off the bed, put out some water for Chief, and headed to the restaurant.

Fifteen minutes later, I arrived at the restaurant where Haley and Jackson - okay let's be honest, Haley, made reservations. It was one of the fancier restaurants in Atlanta, the kind of restaurant where you have to call days ahead to make a reservation, definitely too fancy for a first date. I was fine with just going to a Mexican restaurant and calling it done but, leave it to Haley to go all out.

As soon as I pulled into the parking lot, which was surprisingly pretty empty for a Friday night, this overwhelming feeling of fear and panic began to set in. My heart was beating faster, my chest was beginning to tighten, and I was having the hardest time breathing.

I was having an anxiety attack. I haven't had one in so long, but I knew exactly how to work through it. I took my phone out and called his number.

"Hey, this is Spencer." As soon as I heard his voice my heartbeat started slowing down and my breathing went back to normal. "You know what to do." A few seconds later, the automated beep rang through the phone.

"Hey, babe. I guess I just needed to hear your voice to calm down. You always were able to steady me. I'm sitting outside of this restaurant right now and I'm terrified. You would hate this place though, saying that it was too flashy and too expensive." I laughed and sat in silence for a moment. "I hope this is okay to do. I don't know if there's a rule against doing this or what. I just hope you know that I still love you and I always will Spencer James." I ended the call and took a deep breath. I checked my makeup again in the rearview mirror before I got out of the car and headed into the restaurant.

"Hi! I have a reservation at 7:30 for a party of two under the name Roberts." I said to the young girl who was standing at the hostess station.

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