fast women

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I woke up to the sound of the bedroom door closing, a pounding headache, and the sun shining through the blinds. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head and laid there for a few more minutes. When I finally had the strength to get out of bed, I grabbed a pair of shorts out of my suitcase and headed straight for the bathroom to get ibuprofen and then to the kitchen to get some water.

"You look like shit." Ryan commented. I shot him a glare and grabbed a bottle of water out of his refrigerator and took the ibuprofen.

"I feel like shit."

"You have fun last night?" Ryan asked, smirking.

"Gonna be honest, I don't even remember anything that happened after the concert. I can't even tell you what her name was," I said as I sat down in the chair next to him.

Slowly, the memories of the night before had come flooding back. Ryan and I had gone to a Whiskey Myers concert last night, got a little too drunk, and each brought a girl back to Ryan's house. I couldn't be bothered to remember the other details. I'm sure the girl I slept with last night is a nice girl, but it was just for one night - that's all that they ever are - just one night.

I never used to be like this. A year and a half ago, I was in a committed relationship. We had been dating for a while and I was starting to think about popping the big question, but I found out that she had been cheating on me and my heart broke. I started sleeping around and drinking too much in order to numb the pain that I was feeling but eventually, it became my new normal. Now, the thought of settling down makes me sick to my stomach. Maybe one day I'll find a girl and settle down but right now, that's the farthest thing from my mind. I'm really just enjoying my life without being tied down and being able to do whatever I want to.

Ryan and I finished our conversation and I went back to the guest room where I was staying to get ready for the day. I had come to Charlotte two nights ago to do a few things at HMS to prepare for the upcoming season and Ryan offered his guest bedroom to me, so I got in the plane and flew over.

I finished getting ready and got in my rental car and headed over to HMS.


After a long day at the office, I was finally headed back to Ryan's. Today's duties consisted of video shoots, photoshoots, media interviews, meetings with the team, and a luncheon with some of the workers at HMS. These last few weeks before the season starts are always the busiest, but I love it. I'm so lucky to be able to do what I've always dreamed of.

I got back to Ryan's and found Sturgill in the backyard while Ryan was grilling up some burgers for us.

"You know, I never asked you about your night earlier," I said as I sat down in one of the chairs on the back patio.

"It was a hell of a night," Ryan replied, "she even left her number before she left this morning."

"Are you actually going to call her back though?" I asked, knowing Ryan has never called when a girl leaves her number.

"We'll just have to wait and see," Ryan said, wiggling his eyebrows. He went back to grilling the burgers and I felt my phone buzz from inside of my pocket. I took it out of my pocket and saw my friend Jackson's name come across the phone.

"Hey man!" I answered.

"Hey! How are you?" Jackson asked.

"I'm alright. Had a busy day at the office today but nothing out of the ordinary. How are you and Haley?"

"We've been keeping busy with wedding planning but we're doing good."

"Jackson, just get to the point already," I could hear Haley whisper in the background and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Uh, so the reason I'm calling is to see if you would want to go on a date with Haley's best friend Caroline," Jackson said.

"Put me on speaker," I said before I continued, "Haley, you know I love you, but I have been on all the blind dates that you have set up with your friends and they've never turned out well. What is so different about this one?"

"Okay, okay. I know I've set you up with some bad apples in the past, but I really think that you're gonna like her. Have I ever steered you wrong? Actually, don't answer that," Haley defended.

"I don't know Hales," I hesitated. I knew Haley's intentions were pure but after the last few dates she set up, I was very hesitant.

"Just one date. That's all I'm asking. Please, Chase," Haley pleaded. I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to get out of this one.

"Can I give you my answer by the end of the night?"

"Yes! Of course," Haley answered.

By the time that I got off the phone with Jackson and Haley, Ryan had finished the burgers.

"What was that all about?" Ryan asked, sitting down across from me at the table.

"You remember Jackson from back home?"

"Yeah. His fiancée has been trying to set you up with all her friends, right?"

"Yeah and apparently she has one more friend she's trying to set me up with. After the last few dates I've been on that she set up, I don't know if I want to go," I said, taking a bite of my burger.

"I think you should go. I mean it is just one date," Ryan said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't guess it would hurt," I replied. I took my phone and sent a message to Jackson.

To Jackson: Alright.


Second Chances // Chase ElliottWhere stories live. Discover now