Ocean Eyes

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When we get there he sits me on the bench and goes to get the nurse from the other part of her office.

"What happened. Tianna where are your crutches?" The nurse asks. Looking at my ankle.

"I don't need em." I say quietly knowing she is about to catch me in a lie.

"You're lying. You know you need them for at least a week." She says looking at me warningly.

"I know but-" I started off but get cut off by Leo.

"You knew and you didn't bring them." He says angrily.

"Your putting yourself in even more trouble." he says shaking his head.

"I'll just stand outside." He says basically running out the door.

"How long do you think he is gonna be mad at me?" I ask her looking at my ankle.

"Not to long. I know he can't stay mad at you." she says getting me some ice for my ankle.

"I just thought I can handle a day without them. I didn't mean to make him upset." I say pouting.

"It's okay hun. He will come to his senses." She says smiling at me. I gave her a half smile and turned back looking at my ankle.

"I want you to sit here for at least 15 minutes with the ice bag on your foot. Also you need to text your dad and tell him to bring your crutches. You know you don't need to be on your foot" she says scolding me. I pull my phone out and text my dad.

"Hey can you bring my death sticks when you come back from grocery shopping." I send to him. A couple minutes later i get a text back.

"Why didn't you take them to school with you. I should whoop you." He sends back. I can tell he is angry. That's great. I just made two people mad in one day.

"Sorry i thought i could go without them. When you bring them i'll be in the nurse's office." i say sending the sad face with it.

Soon enough i just get a okay and i just lay back on the seat. Leo walks in 5 minutes later and just stares at me. I glance at him and turn my head. I hear him walk closer to me then taking the seat next to me.

"Look, i'm sorry i was just trying to see if i can walk without them. I just don't wanna seem weak." I say looking at me. He just looks at me and his eyes flash to blue. Well this is about to be the end of me. I Think to myself.

"You just don't know." says Gray in his booming deep voice.

"Don't know what?" i ask.

"I can't stand to see you hurt. I can't do anything to take your pain anyway and it kills me inside." Gray says staring me down with those blue eyes. Ocean eyes automatically pops up in my head. I look down at my ankle.

" my dad is bringing them to me so i can stay off of it. Gray and Leo i really am sorry that i did this to you." i say pouting.

Gray just stares at me and his eyes flash to grey to let me know that Leo is just staring at me to. I guess they are just talking to each other because he has a blank look in his eyes. I start to sing softly to myself because it was just getting to quiet for me.

"No fair, You really know how to make me cry when you give me those ocean eyes. I'm scared, I've never fallen from quite this high falling into those ocean eyes, those ocean eyes." When i look back up its Leo staring at me this time not Gray.

"Your voice is just so sexy to me." He says kissing the back of my hand. I blush and look away.

"Thank you." i say quietly.

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