I Think I Just Threw Up In My Mouth

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I start walking towards my first class which is history. Thank goodness Eric and Brandon have that class with me because the wicked witch has it also.

As class started to begin someone busts through the door. It was Bryce, my other friend, he is the good bad boy here.

I say good because he does his work, has good grades, and usually gets along with everyone, but bad because he sometimes skips class, has a smart mouth and he might get into a fight every once and awhile.

Most of the girls look at him like a piece of meat. I don't blame them tho, he is good looking.

He is about 6 foot 2, with hazel eyes, tan skin, and brown hair. As I start writing I feel eyes on me, and it's Bryce I give him a small smile and he smiles back. He is also my next door neighbor and he use to tutor me in math which I'm absolutely terrible in.

I see all the girls look at me with envy and disgust then I hear them whisper "How does the nerd know him" , "Why did he look at her, she isn't pretty" "She is also fat, she needs to exercise and stop eating".

After I hear the last comment I lower my head. Eric and Brandon turn to look at me

"Don't listen to them Tianna, you're beautiful." Brandon says.

"Yeah T they don't know what they're talking about" Eric agrees. I look up and smile shyly

"It's okay guys".

They turn away from me, as I look up and see Bryce walking towards me he leans down and whispers in my ear.

"You know you're gorgeous right?". I look up at him and smile

"Thanks Bryce."

Bryce smiles back and walks to his seat, as he does that I turn back around and continue writing my notes.

It's not that i think I'm ugly, but I'm not over the top either. I'm average looking if u ask me, I have big boobs, medium sized butt, wide hips and a medium sized pudge for my stomach. I'm a bigger set girl.

As the next 4 classes go by nothing eventful happens, other than the icy glare that Jackie gives me every time she sees me.

Finally after 4th period it is time for lunch. As I walk out that class when the bell rings signaling that it is time for my lunch wave to go which is last lunch wave, I see Eric and Brandon waiting on me by the lunch room door.

"Hey guys" I say,

"Hey T", they both reply.

We all start walking towards the lunch line to get food when a couple of girls cut in front of me trying to get Eric and Brandon's attention.

I just slowly move of out of the way and hop in front of Eric and Brandon as they talk to the girls.

I finally succeed in getting my lunch which consists of a chicken patty sandwich, a bag of chips and a apple.

I make my way towards the table that we usually sit at and take a seat. I start unwrapping my sandwich waiting on my best friends to head over.

I suddenly see two shadows standing over me, thinking that it's Eric and Brandon I say,

"It took you guys long enough" while slowly turning around.

I turn around I notice that one of the two figures are shorter than Eric and the other is taller than Eric.

"Sorry beautiful, didn't mean to keep you waiting" said a deep voice that sent shivers down my spine.

I'm not gonna lie that voice low key got me clenching my thighs together. As I look up i notice that it's Bryce and some other boy.

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