We're Lycans

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I wake up and hear footsteps and deep voices figuring that it's the boys I grab my hoodie and lay flat on my stomach and put the hoodie on my head.

By the time i finish that they walk into my room.

"Hey T" All the boys say.

"Hey guys how was school?"

"Boring because you left." Says Brandon.

"Yeah T what happened anyway" says Bryce.

"What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine."

"Oh really turn around, sit up and face us. " Says Eric.

Knowing i have no other choice I sit up then I turn around and hold my head down.

"See I'm fine guys"

"Take the hoodie off Tesoro. (Sweetheart)" says Leo.

I hear the dominance in his voice and slowly take my hoodie off and look at them.

They all stare at me eyes wide and fist clench I even heard growling. I had bruises on my arms and one bruise on my cheek

" Tianna what the fuck happened to you." says Eric his voice trembling in anger.

"Um well" I say nervously.

"Tesoro, Stand up real quick". I slowly try to stand up because i know that if i stand up to fast that i will hurt myself even more.

"Lift your shirt bambino. (Baby)." I slowly lift up my shirt and there are bruises on my stomach and back. I wince out in pain the longer I stand up.

"Tianna. I'm going to ask you this one time and one time only. Who did this to you?" Brandon says.

"I got jumped" I say in a quiet voice.

"By who and when" Bryce says.

"Jackie and her fan club in gym." I answer.

"Why didn't you tell us when it happened? Why did you lie?' Eric asks.

"I didn't want you guys to see me like this. I hate the fact that i can't protect myself because I'm weak. I just hate the fact that without you guys around me i get attacked, verbally, physically and mentally. I don't want you guys to see me like this because it isn't like you can hit her and her groupies and I just hate to see you guys mad. I really am sorry." I say in a broken voice, but i don't cry I don't want them to see me breakdown.

"Tianna come here" Eric says and gently pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry that you feel that way, I'm sorry that i can't protect you. I feel like i fail you every time i see you like this."

"Yeah Tianna I feel the same way, I know it's hard for you it's hard for us too." Says Brandon joining in on the hug.

"I never even knew this happened to you Tianna, I'm sorry." Bryce says.

I hear growling as soon as Bryce tries to hug me and everyone looks up at Leo.

"Leo, are you okay?", I ask.

"Oh um yeah, the real question is are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm feeling better now that you guys are here."

"We have something that we have to tell you." Brandon says.

"All of you?" I ask.

"Yeah we do, how can I or we say this."

"Umm I'll start", Leo says walking towards me. He grabs my hand and i feel little shocks again when he grabs it.

"You feel this Tianna and the connection." he asks,

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