o30 - ateez family au au

Start from the beginning

"I really didn't mean to! I got scared by that bug and then it just- splashed" he explained, looking down in guilt. "I'm sorry"

"And I thought it was serious..." Hongjoong mumbled under his breath and lifted his hands to wring out the water in San's clothing. "Look, as if nothing happened"

San looked down on himself and confirmed his father's sentence with his dimpled smile. "Daddy, can I show you something? Please!" he begged Hongjoong, putting his hands together.

"Of course, big boy"

San took a deep breath and concentrated on the heat inside of him. He could do it, he had to because daddy was watching and he wanted to make him proud oh so bad. He was about to shoot his shot when again something tickled his sensitive nose and he sneezed, sending himself flying back a couple meters, as his light body couldn't stant the big impact of fire coming out of his nose.
San felt so embarrassed. He wanted to dig a hole and dissappear. His confidence was crushed and so was he after the collision with the ground.

What he didn't know was that Hongjoong was still impressed. Because for his age, San shouldn't be able to gather enough energy at one point to send himself flying. "Holy flameo" he said, rushing to the boy and taking him in his arms. "When did you learn how to gather so much concentration?" he asked, totally impressed. San was first confused as his actual plan miserably failed and it took him a minute to understand that he did something unconsciously. When he realized a bright expression decorated his face again, lighting up the mood of everyone around him.

Father and son where too busy with playing with fire now, so Yeosang went on showing Seonghwa his trained skills. Yeosang proudly showed how easy it was for him to let water just flow in the direction he wanted. And every now and then he was able to catch a little bubble Seonghwa threw at him without breaking it. He still had a lot to learn, and he wanted to learn everything about waterbending. His own father was the best in it, and Seonghwa had promised him to teach him everything when the time was right.


"I don't know how he does it, but he turns on his head!" Yunho told, pointing at Jongho, who was peacefully eating. "I want to do that too..." he pouted, a little jealous that a two year old could do something he couldn't.

Hongjoong chuckled hearing that. "At least he learned that in what? Two weeks? It took Daddy a whole month to do anything with air"

"What did i say about throwing rocks and aiming at each other, huh?" Seonghwa scolded as he brought Wooyoung and Mingi into the dining room. He had then on their ears. Earlier today they came back with bruises all over their bodies and Seonghwa was just done healing them. "If I catch you two bruising anyone again-"

"It's okay, Hwa, look, they are alright now, aren't they?" Hongjoong interrupted.

"We are so sorry! We got carried away! We won't do it again!" they said in union. And just before Seonghwa could say anything else, Hongjoong gestured him not to. He just wanted to eat his dinner in peace.

"Oh! I saw a sign earlier that said something about a theater tonight" Yunho said, swallowing his bite. "Can we please go see the play?"

Hongjoong stifled a laugh. The famous Ember Island Theater. It was a rather funny play to watch. The group was a bunch of random people, recreating the stories of the previous avatars in a over dramatically funny way. To this day the story about avatar Kyoshi was his favorite. Just something about that woman was so... Badass. "Of course, why not? What do you think?" he turned his head to Seonghwa earning an agreeing hum. "then it's settled, we're visiting the theater tonight"


Hectic was all over the preparation rooms. One was missing his wig, the other had unfinished make up. The big room was a loud mess. It only came to silence when the young actress slammed open the door. "Stop whatever you're doing! The director has changed the plan!" she yelled just to be sure everyone hear her bright voice.

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