December 28th

13 5 4

I cannot help the small smile that makes its way onto my face as I rake my fingers through your soft hair.

I try not to make a sound when small strands slip away and fall out. Instead I bit my lip to hold back the tears.

You shuffle a bit, pulling the blanket up to your chin. I compose myself, checking the time on my phone to see when your dad will be back from work.

We still have a few hours alone together. You've been in an out of sleep for the past hour.

I slid down into a comfy position, leaning closer to you. As you are faxing opposite of me, I reach out and run small circles onto your back in a soothing manner.

Normally it's you that is calming me down but you're the one that's sick. Not me. You cannot always be the one holding me together when I know you are breaking inside too.

"I love you," The words come out so quietly. I would not have heard them I was not as close as am. You turn around so we are now facing each other. "Hi, my lumberjack." You try to reach out and fix a strand of my hair thats fallen into my peripheral vision but I stop you.

"Don't you think it's a bit weird that you call lumber jack? Like lumberjacks are supposed to be big and muscle-y and have beards."

"Oh Eva, I would never have pictured you as one to fall for stereotypes. I don't care. You're my lumberjack."

"Shut up, Theodore." I blush shamelessly before tugging on his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss.

"I think I'll annoy you more of--" I keep kissing you, "shush". He finally does shut up.

We just lay there, arms wrapped around each other, sharing body heat. It is such a simplistic thing but it hurts to be reminded that these cuddle sessions may not last.

Snap out of it Evangeline, you promised him the absolute best December and wallowing in sadness is not helping anyone.



"Let's go sledding tomorrow."

"Can we get one of those cute wooden sleds with the red rope like in the movies?"

I do not even have to look at you to know your smile is stretching ear to ear.



I promise next chapter will be long. I am going to finish this story and go back and thoroughly edit it. (: 

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