December 21st - Part 1

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I wish puppy eyes would still work on parents like they did when we were children.

"So can I go?"

I watch anxiously as my dad takes a sip of his black coffee and glances at the newspaper as if he's actually reading it. He's just making me wait an excruciatingly long time to get a response.

The front page reads, 'Snowiest winter to hit Utah since 2010'.

"What did your mother say?" He asks, casually flipping a page. He sticks out his bottom lip a bit, nodding his head as if he's agreeing with something on the paper. I groan, tapping my foot against the floor. I'm growing impatient by the minute.

"She said it's up to you, as always. I'll be back by christmas day and I promise to call everyday to check in with you guys."

I watched tediously as he drank his coffee, pondering his decision. I've noticed that his brown hair now has streaks of grey. My mom has told him to dye it but he says he's married already so he does not need to impress anyone.

My mom got a kick out of that one because the next morning she walked downstairs with curlers in her hair and raccoon eyes.

My dad nearly choked on his hot coffee but I just laughed. He still kissed her good morning because as cheesy as it sounds, their love is much bigger than physical appearances.

I think we have that kind of love, Theo.

"Ok fine. I expect a call when you get there and everyday after that. Be safe. When are you leaving?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I run to the side of the kitchen island and attack my dad into a bear hug. "Also, we are leaving now." My words come out quick and in a tangle, like alphabet soup, in hopes that he does not change his answer.

"He's outside isn't he?" My dad mutters, rolling his eyes in a joking matter.

I nod, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Damn kids. Alright, I love you pumpkin. Be safe!"

"Love you too, Dad." I shout as I make my way out the door. My bags had already been packed in my trunk. I didn't expect him to say yes but I was hoping on it.

I turn down the right sidewalk where you are parked. You are waiting outside in your thick dark grey coat, leaning against my car. You have a smile so wide that your dimples are exposed.

It's my favorite kind of smile.

I laugh, dashing towards you and connecting our lips instantly. You freeze for a split second, confused by my sudden movements but you quickly compose yourself and kiss me harder than I had anticipated.

Our cold, numb, lips don't stay that way for long.

Pulling away, you open the passenger door for me and I slip in and buckle the seatbelt. You follow my actions and start the engine.

"Ready to drive to Boston?"

I nod eagerly, the small smile never leaving my face.

When you first proposed the idea of road tripping to Boston, I immediately disagreed because of your illness. You got annoyed and claimed that you deserve to explore the world with your girlfriend without worrying about being sick. So I agreed, how could I not?

I tug at the sleeves on my fleeced lined maroon hoodie. I instantly regret wearing a thin tank top under. I reach to turn on the heater; shivering. 

"First, we stop for snacks."

"You know me so well," I laughed.


"We need ice cream."

I Smell SnowNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ