December 8th

45 8 14

"Hey kiddos, what are you up to?" My mom places a hand on my shoulder but not before ruffling my once neat hair.

I grumble words under my breath in annoyance but ultimately I am unable to hide my smile. My reaction causes you to laugh. Mom does these little things sometimes that normally a mother would do towards a child and while I am no longer a child, to her, I always will be.

"Hi Mrs. Romero. Evangeline was just teaching me how to make paper snowflakes." You replied smoothly. You picked up a snowflake you were working on and as soon as you unfolded it, chunks of the paper ripped off. You had cut too many shapes and it was now just a pile of big and small scraps mixed together. I stifled a laugh and mom tried holding in her own. She just smiled and sat down in front of us.

"I remember when I taught Evangeline how to make paper snowflakes. Apparently she isn't a good teacher." She laughed, "Follow my actions."

And we both did. Though I already knew how to make a snowflake, I followed moms tutorial for the sake of it.

You cut small triangles into the thin white paper. I noticed you did this cute thing with your tongue, you stuck it out slightly at the corner of your lip.

You were trying to concentrate on the paper snowflake and I was too occupied trying to concentrate on you.

"See, you got this Theodore. My daughter is just a terrible teacher." I roll my eyes at my mother and stick my tongue out jokingly.

"Thanks, Mrs. Romero. You're right, Evangeline is terrible." I sat there, eyes wide and mouth dropped slightly. I reacted quickly afterward and punched you on the arm playfully, forgetting my mother was even in the room. I find myself zoning out often, pretending like its just you and me.

Your dimples were so prominent when you laughed.

"You guys remind me of myself and your father, Evangeline, when we were younger." She smiled to herself, recalling memories.

"Ugh, mom. We get it, you two were adorable."

"It's true!" She exclaimed, finishing her paper snowflake. "We met in high school. We were each other's high school sweethearts."

I was slightly weirded out that mom was talking about dad and their relationship but then I turned to face you and you were blushing hard. Maybe you were thinking the same as me; that we could actually be them, have their sort of love story.

"Alright, I'm going to sleep for a few before I have get up to go work a night shift at the hospital." She places a kiss on my head and says goodbye to you. "Don't forget to clean up your mess."

I nod, kissing her on the cheek. Dad was on a business trip so I've been staying home alone on days my mother worked night shifts.

It was okay though, I kept myself busy by binge watching the hallmark channel. The movies were done so badly that they were actually addicting. I could not stop watching all the Christmas movies that played for hours. They usually started airing around thanksgiving time so I was always plopped on the couch shoveling popcorn into my mouth.

"Alright Theo, let me see what you've got." I said happily. You unfolded your snowflake and this time it didn't fall apart. It was actually well done.

It was actually really well done, like you mastered this before--

"You lied to me! You pretended to suck at making paper snowflakes. Why?" I scowled at you, coming to the realization. I stood up to collect the extra scraps off the table. You just laughed, a smirk on your face. "Well, you are always the one showing me how to make or do things. I thought I'd impress you for once."

Theo, you impress me continuously. I've never met such a compassionate spirit before.

"Sneakily might I add. Well, color me impressed." I said softly. You helped me pick up the rest of the paper scraps, our fingers brushing against each other softly, making my heart beat just a little faster.

"Mom's leaving in a few. You want to spend the night? Seeing as your dad is on the same business trip as my dad."

You debated it, rocking back and forth on the heels of your feet. I did not mean anything like that...well, you know. I meant it as we could watch movies all night and pass out in the living room from a food coma.

You didn't verbally reply, instead you just nodded and led yourself to the living room couch were you plopped yourself down. You pulled a blanket down onto your body even though you were dressed in dark grey sweats that slimmed by your ankles and a blue fleece pullover sweater.

I took this as my cue to sit down beside you. I crossed my legs onto the couch and kept my hands in my lap. It felt awkward, us watching the hallmark channel on tv. I don't know if it was because of our almost kiss a while ago or because of something else.

Trying to ease the tension, I scooted closer and wrapped the same heavy knit blanket around myself. You gently wrapped your arm around my shoulder and I leaned my head on your chest. A shiver passed through me and I felt you tighten your grip on me. I nuzzled deeper into the crevice between your shoulder and neck, feeling comforted by your warmth. I could stay in this spot forever, or you know, at least until I needed to get up to pee. I think I have the bladder of a goldfish.

Sometime during the middle of the movie, mom left and told us not to stay up too late. I didn't tell her you were staying over because I knew she'd freak out. To be fair, if I was in her position, I would probably freak out too but I'm not. Maybe that is a bit selfish and irresponsible of me but Theo and I were not immature teenagers.

It'd be our little secret.

I felt my eyes getting heavier by the minute. I let out a yawn. You repositioned yourself so you were laying on the couch, causing me to shift sideways and lay my head on your chest. It was extremely relaxing hearing your soft breathes, as your chest rose up and down slowly.

"Evangeline..." You mumbled, "Don't go to sleep yet. I want you to keep this. You can hang it in your room, I'll make more so it'll be like a winter wonderland." You pulled out the perfectly crafted paper snowflake you made earlier. I smiled widely and grabbed it, placing it next to me on the couch. "Thank you. I love it." I murmured.

I tried to stay awake for the end of the movie but sleep overcame me. The last thing I remember was you placing a kiss on the top of my head before the rest was darkness. 

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