December 6th

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It was already December 6th and we had managed to do so much.

We had already made snow angels, gone ice skating, watched Christmas movies, drank hot chocolate, and did some holiday baking.

Yeah, sure, not everything went as planned but it was still an adventure nonetheless. It was our adventure.

Seeing as it was still early in December, we decided to go pick a Christmas tree. Your dad was pretty busy with work on a daily so this was something small we could do for him.

I was sure he would be so grateful for such a small action.

"How about this one?" You smiled and stared up at the large tree. It was easily 13 feet tall.

I laughed at your ridiculous ideas, shaking my head.

"Way too tall Theo!"

You ignored my protests and I claimed that you were insane, but you did not care. You paid for the ginormous tree and a worker helped us load and unload the tree into your house.

Even the worker stared between your house and the tree in disbelief. You owned a one story house, there's absolutely no way a tree that size would fit in this house.

You were too stubborn to admit it, once you set your mind to something you had to have it.

I liked that about you but, sometimes I hated it.

Like today, we are sitting on the couch staring at a tree that is half bent against the ceiling because it is too tall.

I frowned. It looked like a grumpy tree. A sad, ugly, grumpy tree.

This didn't scream Christmas, this wasn't what I had in store for you. This was like a failed adventure.

You knew I was upset because you sighed and stepped closer to me. I was sitting on the couch but you placed both hands on my shoulders and looked into my brown eyes.

"Oh Eva, it's not that bad." You tried cheering me up.

Maybe it was just the fact that I was upset because my brother was not coming down for the holidays this year.

He promised he would but apparently college exams were coming up and he couldn't afford to come down.

It definitely dampened my mood. Though I know that it's not your fault.

But I was still disappointed about yesterday. You haven't even brought it up again. It's like it never happened--well I guess it didn't.

"It looks terrible." I grumbled and crossed my arms around my chest. I was acting like a 5 year old. I turned around, looking away.

"It's not too bad," you made me face you. "It just needs some spirit!" You pulled me up and onto my feet. I did not want to move but you grabbed the Christmas ornaments and began playing Christmas music.

The sound filled the small living room and I could feel myself getting into the spirit. Slowly but surely.

Reluctantly, I began placing ornaments on the grumpy tree. You excused yourself and said you'd be right back.

I nodded and kept myself distracted by decorating the tree. Reaching into the cardboard box, I picked out silver and white ornaments that were dusted in fake snow.

A white Christmas.

Then I heard your voice. I turned around and there you were with a guitar wrapped around your neck and shoulder.

"Baby, it's cold outside."

In all this time of knowing you, I never knew you sang. Your voice was soft and cozy. I never wanted to stop hearing it.

I wanted your smooth voice on replay.

"Go on." I found myself whispering so quietly I was not sure you heard me. But you did.

"I really can't stay..."

Your voice was silk.

I approached you and you wrapped your arms around my tightly. You held me there as you buried your neck into the crevice of my shoulder.

I was like a melted snowman when you held me. I had no control, I was willingly limp in your embrace. I didn't mind staying here for hours.

"Theodore..." I couldn't find the right words to say to you but you did not seem to need them.

You understood me and I understood you and that was all we needed. 

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