00 - Flashback

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It was already chilly in November. I doubled up on fleece jackets and a coat, yet I was still cold and shivering. I could feel the goosebumps rising up my arms and legs. I shoved my hands in my big
auburn tinted coat and hoped that my fingers would not fall off from the numbness. It was during this month in the small town of Everton that the leaves began to fall, leaving trees bare.

A feeling I resonated with.

With my older brother off in college, I was the only child left in the Romero household. My parents did not mind one bit, seeing as I am usually the quiet one. I never snuck out to parties or late night movie showings like my brother Alex did. He was the rebellious one.

Instead, you could almost always find me in the nook of my room snuggled up in blankets with a good book and a cup of tea. Peppermint preferably, but I am not necessarily picky.

I love the holiday season so much. It brings extra joy to my life, that extra bit of glee, like placing a star atop the Christmas tree. Because of this joy, I have found myself in my favorite coffee shop that smells like gingerbread during this time of year. If I had my way, it'd smell like this everyday.

A brush of cold air passes by me as I open the door to the shop. Another shiver shoots down my spine. I decide to untie my curly brown hair from its ponytail and let it cascade down my back, providing warmth and comfort.

"Just a peppermint tea, please," I smile at the cashier. She is wearing a knit beanie on her head and a wide smile.

"Evangeline?" A deep voice calls from somewhere in the shop.  I jump up slightly in shock before scanning the shop. I don't go out much, which means I lack friends often.

Yet surprisingly, my eyes land on a familiar pair of blue-green ones. I try my best to recall his name. The last thing I want is to do is embarrass myself. He looks so familiar, memories of his prominent features cloud my thoughts.

"Um, Theodore right?" My voice wavers ever so slightly. I cross my fingers inside of my pocket in hopes that I am correct.

He nods. He motions for me to take a seat but I'm still weary. I hardly remember him. A familiar face but that is about it. Does no one know about stranger danger? This is not any different. Everton might be a small town but we still get our fair share of creeps.

"We went to elementary school together...right?" Curiosity bubbles out of me.

"And middle school," You said shyly. You pulled at the sleeves of your navy blue sweater. I could tell you did that often because your sleeves were outstretched so much that they almost engulfed your hands.

This is why I rarely leave my house, to save myself from awkward embarrassment like this. "Oh I'm sor-"

"It's fine. I missed class a lot, you probably would not have noticed or remembered me."

But I did remember now. You were my elementary school crush.

Those blue-green eyes I always loved seeing. Theo. You were my Theo, or at least that is what I used to tell my mom and write in my diary. I thought you had fell off the face of this earth, if I am being honest.

"I remember." You seemed happy with my response because you grinned so widely that not even Cheshire Cat could compare.

It was funny bumping into you. I hardly ever saw you in school, let alone around town. For all I know, you could have been Everton's very own Boo Radley.

You stared at me as if you were trying to recall memories. Your head tilted slightly with a goofy smile on your face. I glanced down at my cup of tea, inhaling the sweet mint smell. I took a sip and let it warm my body from the inside out.

"We should hang out more," You spoke up unexpectedly, "If you'd like to, of course."

I did not deny your request because part of me wanted to remember the boy that I had an utmost crush on.

Little did I know.

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