December 24th

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It's late into the night but you and I agreed that it's worth driving a bit early from Boston so we can wake up on Christmas morning with our families.

They don't know I'm coming home early, seeing my dad and moms face in the morning will be priceless.

This trip was everything. From ice skating to trying new foods. I'm so overjoyed that you decided to take me on this trip.

You're the best thing that's ever happened to me at this point in my life. I can't speak for the future but I know you're going to be pretty hard to beat.

I stare out the window, overlooking the bare trees covered in snow. A smile makes its way onto my lips as I hear you quietly sing the lyrics to Frank Sinatra's Fly Me to the Moon.

It doesn't take long for me to notice that we are pulling into my neighborhood.

Every lawn is dabbled in snow. The streets are lit up with all the Christmas celebrations.

Sooner than later, you pull up toward the curb and turn off the engine. We sit in comfortable silence. It's dark and the only sound is our soft breathing alongside the occasional wind noise.

You take my hand, lace our fingers together and lift our hands to your lips, placing a soft kiss on the backside of my tan skin.

"Thank you."

I tilt my head to the side slightly, a habit I've always had. My dad makes fun of me because he says I look like a confused puppy when I do that. "For what?"

"For coming with me to Boston. For being you. For loving me. Can I tell you something? Promise not to get upset."

I think my ovaries exploded. I wonder if other people can buy someone like you on Amazon. Not you exactly though because you're my Theodore.

I chew at my bottom lip, nervous to hear what you have to say. I nod lightly.

"I wanted to see how your life would be in Boston without me. I wanted to make sure you'd be okay. You know? I wanted to make sure you'd be happy. And you were so happy Eva, that's all I ever want for you."

Oh my god.

I look out the window, not knowing what to say. I chew on the inside of my cheek, probably drawing blood from the constant gnawing.

"Lumberjack, say something...please. I know it was selfish of me, I'm sorry. I just wanted to see for myself." You're hand rests on my cheek and almost instinctively, I lean into your touch, shutting my eyes.

"I love you, you know that right?", I whisper, trying to control my breath from shaking.

"I love you too, Evangeline."

I pull my brown hair to the side, it's been getting longer and I actually really like it this way. "I should go. I'll see your dad and you tomorrow night for Christmas dinner."

"Mhm. I'll miss you."

I laugh, punching you on the shoulder. "Shut up, i'll see you in a few hours. It's almost midnight."

I lean over and capture your lips in mine, feeling you smile.

"Speaking of," I say as I pull away, "Merry Christmas Eve. Or is it Happy Christmas Eve?" 

You crinkle your brows together, allowing a small crease to form in between the two. "I think it's merry but you ask a valid question." 

"Yeah," I agree.

You smile, leaning your head against the drivers side head rest. "You think it's too late for me to write a letter to Santa?" Your smile is wide, dimples exposed. It's my favorite smile. 

"Maybe if you rush home. What are you going to ask Santa for?" I tease.

"Can't tell you. Gotta get home before it is midnight."

"It's Santa, not Cinderella!" I shout after you. I laugh as I see you dash out of my car and towards your own. 

As soon as you get into your own car and I hear the engine roar away, I run up the side steps of my driveway and unlock the door. Once inside, I hold my breath, careful not to make a single peep.

Creeping up the stairs, I go to turn into the first door on my left. As I'm reaching for the handle, a hand grabs my shoulder and I attempt to shout but a hand is clamped onto my mouth.

Before I can hit the person where it hurts, I hear his voice.

And then I want to scream for an entire different reason.

From excitement.

My older brother, Alex stares back at me with the widest possible smile. His green eyes are noticeable under the faint light coming from the hallway window. I cannot believe he cut his brown hair. It used to cover part of his forehead and sides but now it's shaven to a shorter length—a more mature look.

He moves his hand away from my mouth and I jump up, tackling him into a giant bear hug. I fell his body shake against mine because of his quiet laughter. He doesn't struggle holding me up as he pulls me into my room, shushing me because our parents room is down at the end of the hall.

We sit criss cross on my bed like we used to when we were kids. Alex is 2 years older than me. He's just turned 21 a few months ago.

"I thought you weren't coming for Christmas?" I squeal, throwing my arms around his neck in another death grip.

"It was a surprise. You should have seen the look on mom and dad's face when I walked through the front door. I swear mom cried a bit."

"We all missed you," I say.

"I missed you too, kiddo." He ruffles my soft hair. I swat his hand away.

"Alex, you're only 2 years older than me. Plus I'm going to college too..."

"You got accepted into Emerson!? Why didn't you tell me, Evangeline?" He pouts like a small child. I roll my eyes jokingly.

I shrug, "I forgot."

"Oh yeah. Dad told me about your boyfriend. Little ole Theodore."

I blush bright red at the sound of your name. I put a hand on my face, trying to hide my flushed face. Alex laughs, taunting me.

I scold him, punching him in the shoulder. "Don't call him that. Why'd they even tell you?" My brows furrow in slight confusion.

"Because when I got home, you weren't sitting on the corner couch with your face between a book. I was confused, seeing as your butt is always super glued to that chair."

I scoff, "that's a lie. I go out."

"Yeah, sure. To get the mail around the block," he laughs, which in turn causes me to stifle a giggle.

I can't wait to wake up together as a complete family and eat moms famous gingerbread cookies in the morning with hot cocoa.

"I'm glad you're home," I smile softly.

Alex has always been my best friend. I was a bit of an outsider in high school, seeing as my face was always shoved in a book. I didn't socialize much so when I did, it was with him. I told Alex everything.

But there were some things I just couldn't tell him. 


I'm back! I've honestly just been so busy I haven't even had time to think. I will try my hardest to keep up with my updates again. 

IT'S CHRISTMAS NEXT CHAPTER. YAY. It's going to be a good one. 

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