Flying or Falling

112 40 93

I am falling

Am I flying?

Falling through the darkness

Unsure of which way is up

Further down




I must push upwards

Through the stifling darkness




Falling down again

The darkness closes in

But no, I must fight

I must push up

I must not let it bring me down

I will not let it bring me down

I am flying, rising above the darkness

I will prevail

I will fight this with all my might

I will survive

I will fly, not fall

Hey guys, I hope you like my second poem. I don't even know how I got the idea for this poem, it just sort of flew into my head. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share this. I wrote this poem thinking of people who have so much darkness in their lives, and how the have hope, they reach for the light. Will you fall into the darkness in your life, or will you fly above it all? Love you guys!

Poetry:The Depth of Wordsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن