
16 3 26

I'm not me

I'm not the person I was before

Not the girl from a few years back

She's gone now

Replaced by an intruder

Someone that I don't know

Replaced by someone who's changed

Changed to blend in

To fit in

To be normal

To be popular 

I don't know me anymore

I wear different clothes

Have a different hairstyle

Talk different

Act different

But is this really me?

Is this who I am on the inside?

Is this who I want to be?


I am me

I am unique

I am different

I won't change myself

And they can't change me

Hey everyone! I honestly don't think this is my best work, I feel like I'm getting worse. I just don't have many idea nowadays and I don't have much time, so sorry again for not updating regularly. Hope this poem makes you feel yourself, Joy.

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