
15 3 12

Paper birds

Flying across the world

Carrying important messages

Tear stained

Laughed over

Read again and again

Little time capsules

Trusted with secrets

Telling stories 

Talking through paper

Posted into a little box

Picked up 

Ripped open

Making you smile 

Making you laugh

Making you sad 

Making you cry

Treasured forever

Pieces of a soul 

Flying to another soul

They all carry a message, good or bad

Hi everyone! Thank you for reading this poem and sorry for not updating here for such a long time, I've just been busy and had a rough week. This poem was written a while ago, but I didn't post it. It's talking about letters, about how much they can mean to us, and I hope it inspires you to write some of your own letters! Love you guys, Joy.

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